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How to use readNetFromTensorflow with resnet50 network

asked 2018-04-05 13:09:05 -0600

I want to work with tensorflow models trained using TensorFlow Object Detection API in OpenCV as described here.

How should I generate the config file (graph.pbtxt) since I am using faster_rcnn_resnet50_coco.config for training instead of MobileNet-SSD? Or should I just use faster_rcnn_resnet50_coco.config as readNetFromTensorflow param?

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Track an issue, we're working on it.

dkurt gravatar imagedkurt ( 2018-04-05 13:41:28 -0600 )edit

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answered 2018-04-10 01:36:54 -0600

dkurt gravatar image

@jcgarciaca, We've opened a pull request with a new script to import Faster-RCNN networks from TensorFlow Object Detection API. Work is still in progress but you can test it and get a feedback! Thank you!

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Asked: 2018-04-05 13:09:05 -0600

Seen: 547 times

Last updated: Apr 10 '18