opencv 2.4 is contrib-Contributed/Experimental stuf
opencv 2.4 is contrib-Contributed/Experimental stuf
What is the alternative to opencv 3.4?
opencv 2.4 is contrib-Contributed/Experimental stuf
What is the alternative to opencv 3.4?
(see there for build instructions)
Asked: 2018-02-25 20:48:09 -0600
Seen: 219 times
Last updated: Feb 25 '18
Removal of BRIEF from main repository [closed]
Build opencv_contrib sample executables on Linux
OpenCV + Contrib iOS framework missing. [closed]
Integral Channel Feature Detector for Cars (bad results)
Running OpenCV SuperpixelSEEDS class without installing contrib module
Text contrib module and Tesseract
opencv 3.0 with contrib installation guide
opencv3.0 contrib install fail. [closed]