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Convert Pose from ARToolkit into OpenCV Screen Coordinates

asked 2018-01-09 23:55:03 -0600

nj gravatar image

updated 2018-01-12 04:20:22 -0600

I have modified the ARToolkit nftSimple Application to work with OpenCV Mat and without OpenGL dependencies. I have got the tracking to work successfully and i am able to extract the pose matrix ARPose.

Code for project :-


The ARPose is of the format (16 x 1) :

_Documentation : // Position and orientation, column-major order. (position(x,y,z) = {T[12], T[13], T[14]}_

T = 0.833453 0.148213 0.532342 0.000000 -0.055585 0.980959 -0.186091 0.000000
-0.549787 0.125508 0.825822 0.000000 60.233962 -307.641967 -964.580499 1.000000


I am trying to use this to draw a pink circle on OpenCV side using the x,y,z values returned from the pose. According to the documentation in the code
T[12] = 60.233962 , T[13] = -307.641967 , T[14] = -964.580499

Screenshot from the Application

The coordinates obtained from the pose matrix are not giving the correct value. How do we transform the pose matrix from ARToolkit into OpenCV Screen coordinates?

static void runDetection(Mat &input_mat)

{ ARUint8 *gARTImage = NULL; gARTImage = (uchar *); float trackingTrans[3][4] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; cv::Mat rot_vec = Mat::zeros(1,3,CV_64F), trn_vec = Mat::zeros(1,3,CV_64F) , rot_mat = Mat::zeros(3,3,CV_64F);

    // NFT results.
    static int detectedPage = -2; // -2 Tracking not inited, -1 tracking inited OK, >= 0 tracking online on page.

    int i, j, k;

    // Grab a video frame.
    if (gARTImage != NULL) {

        gCallCountMarkerDetect++; // Increment ARToolKit FPS counter.

        // Run marker detection on frame
        if (threadHandle) {
            // Perform NFT tracking.
            float            err;
            int              ret;
            int              pageNo;

            if( detectedPage == -2 ) {
                trackingInitStart( threadHandle, gARTImage );
                detectedPage = -1;
            if( detectedPage == -1 ) {
                ret = trackingInitGetResult( threadHandle, trackingTrans, &pageNo);
                if( ret == 1 ) {
                    if (pageNo >= 0 && pageNo < surfaceSetCount) {
                        ARLOGd("Detected page %d.\n", pageNo);
                        detectedPage = pageNo;
                        ar2SetInitTrans(surfaceSet[detectedPage], trackingTrans);
                    } else {
                        ARLOGe("Detected bad page %d.\n", pageNo);
                        detectedPage = -2;
                } else if( ret < 0 ) {
                    ARLOGd("No page detected.\n");
                    detectedPage = -2;
            if( detectedPage >= 0 && detectedPage < surfaceSetCount) {
                if( ar2Tracking(ar2Handle, surfaceSet[detectedPage], gARTImage, trackingTrans, &err) < 0 ) {
                    ARLOGd("Tracking lost.\n");
                    detectedPage = -2;
                } else {
                    ARLOGd("Tracked page %d (max %d).\n", detectedPage, surfaceSetCount - 1);
        } else {
            ARLOGe("Error: threadHandle\n");
            detectedPage = -2;

        // Update markers.
        for (i = 0; i < markersNFTCount; i++) {
            markersNFT[i].validPrev = markersNFT[i].valid;
            if (markersNFT[i].pageNo >= 0 && markersNFT[i].pageNo == detectedPage) {
                markersNFT[i].valid = TRUE;
                for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    for (k = 0; k < 4; k++){
                        markersNFT[i].trans[j][k] = trackingTrans[j][k];

            else markersNFT[i].valid = FALSE;

            if (markersNFT[i].valid) {

                // Filter the pose estimate.
                if (markersNFT[i].ftmi) {
                    if (arFilterTransMat(markersNFT[i].ftmi, markersNFT[i].trans, !markersNFT[i].validPrev) < 0) {
                        ARLOGe("arFilterTransMat error with marker %d.\n", i);

                if (!markersNFT[i].validPrev) {
                    // Marker has become visible, tell any dependent objects.
                    // --->

                // We have a new pose, so set that.
                arglCameraViewRH((const ARdouble (*)[4])markersNFT[i].trans, markersNFT[i].pose.T, VIEW_SCALEFACTOR ...
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1 answer

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answered 2018-01-10 08:59:56 -0600

Eduardo gravatar image

You can use projectPoints() for that. rvec is the rotation vector that can be obtained from the rotation matrix with Rodrigues(). tvec is the translation vector so T[12], T[13], T[14]. You need also the intrinsic parameters. For the distortion, you can use a zero distortion if you don't have them.

Be careful when you extract the rotation matrix, ARPose T is column-major order.

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Thanks a lot @Eduardo . Will test the code and let you know

nj gravatar imagenj ( 2018-01-11 23:42:22 -0600 )edit

@Eduardo i i made required changes to the code but the projection dosn't seem to be correct . Can you please tell me what i might have missed

nj gravatar imagenj ( 2018-01-12 04:24:34 -0600 )edit

At first glance, rot_mat and trn_vec are CV_64F so you have to access them by using double datatype. What is the difference between trackingTrans and markersNFT[i].pose.T? You should print the values of rot_mat to check if the rotation is correct or not. Also, is the column-major order of markersNFT[i].pose.T taken into account for the rotation part?

Eduardo gravatar imageEduardo ( 2018-01-12 10:02:16 -0600 )edit

@Eduardo Thanks a lot i followed your steps and was able to get the values of x and y correctly. But there is a slight offset i think i will have to correct that

nj gravatar imagenj ( 2018-01-16 00:28:20 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2018-01-09 23:55:03 -0600

Seen: 727 times

Last updated: Jan 12 '18