Preparing OpenCL cache Configuration
I am trying to get the Image Stitching code running on my VS2013. Everything compiles and builds successfully and I am passing the parameters correctly as well. The code runs and I am given the following terminal, which hangs (or at least does not go on, even if it does some processing) for a while.
[INFO:0] Initialize OpenCL runtiime...
[INFO:0] Successfully initialized OpenCL cache directory: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\opencv\3.4.0-rc\opencl-cache
[INFO:0] Preparing OpenCL cache configuration for context: NVIDIA_Corporation--GeForce_GTX_660_Ti--388_19
I turned the GPU option off and it still does the same. I am wondering what could be the reason, and the first thing came to my mind was that I include the libraries from CUDA, which may cause a problem maybe? I could try to run this example with the minimum requirements and see if it does the same. Perhaps some can tell me what libraries need to be included to run this code? (Not sure if this is a solution, just brainstorming at the moment.)
Adding the false flag also did not work.
[ INFO:2] Initialize OpenCL runtime...
[ INFO:5] Initialize OpenCL runtime...
[ INFO:1] Initialize OpenCL runtime...
[ INFO:7] Initialize OpenCL runtime...
[ INFO:3] Initialize OpenCL runtime...
[ INFO:6] Initialize OpenCL runtime...
[ INFO:8] Initialize OpenCL runtime...
[ INFO:4] Initialize OpenCL runtime...
[ INFO:9] Initialize OpenCL runtime...
[ INFO:10] Initialize OpenCL runtime...
[ INFO:11] Initialize OpenCL runtime...
[ INFO:2] Successfully initialized OpenCL cache directory: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\opencv\3.4.0-rc\opencl_cache\
[ INFO:2] Preparing OpenCL cache configuration for context: NVIDIA_Corporation--GeForce_GTX_660_Ti--388_19
Can you try to add
at the beginning of the program?error C3861: 'setUseOpenCL': identifier not found
also#include "opencv2/core/ocl.hpp"
but again, those are just info messages. annoying, but entirely harmless.
(i'm getting those, too, from various programs.)
nonetheless, would you be so nice, to replace the screenshot with a TEXT version, so folks here can quote it, it can be properly indexed for search, etc. ? thank you !
Getting the same messages, not doing a damn thing, it really is annoying. I uploaded the output again.
@berak I did not see the comment of yours before (I guess there was an editing). Of course, I can make them text.
@Raki, this seems to be work in progress
(was just starting to write an issue there (i think, it's super annoying, too !) , but now i think: let the dust settle with the devs a bit.)
in the meantime, you could just "hack it" locally, and just change core/utils/logger.hpp, line 54 to:
(needs a rebuild, though)
Thanks for the update @berak. I did not know that it was being worked on. I guess I'll rather wait because I do not really want to rebuild my OpenCV again. Nevertheless thanks for the effort.
@berak Is it still in progress? When will I be able to run my code? It is a bit strange that such an important feature of OpenCV does not work.
@berak where can we send a ticket about this? The problem persists...