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Double number product matrix

asked 2017-08-02 04:04:23 -0600

Alvaro gravatar image

updated 2017-08-02 08:28:37 -0600

I have tried to multipliate a number with a matrix, the problem is the next: if i do this operation:

Mat deriv_1 = Mat(groundTruth.size[1], groundTruth.size[0], CV_64F);
double number = 1 / 256;
deriv_1 = -number*(groundTruth - probs);// (-1 / M)*(groundTruth - probs);

all the numbers of matrix are 0 but if i do this:

Mat deriv_1 = Mat(groundTruth.size[1], groundTruth.size[0], CV_64F);
deriv_1 = -0.0039*(groundTruth - probs);// (-1 / M)*(groundTruth - probs);

the result is correct. i dont know why.

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answered 2017-08-02 04:44:33 -0600

updated 2017-08-02 09:35:55 -0600

Change double number = 1 / 256; to double number = 1.0/ 256.0;

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1.0 / 256 enough

sturkmen gravatar imagesturkmen ( 2017-08-02 09:54:21 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2017-08-02 04:04:23 -0600

Seen: 253 times

Last updated: Aug 02 '17