lsd_lines_extraction.cpp (opencv_contrib) [closed]
Hi, i compiled OpenCV and Contrib with examples. ( Windows -Visual Studio 2015 )
when i try to run lsd_lines_extraction.cpp i get "OpenCV was built without features2d module"
i modified line 44 #ifdef HAVE_OPENCV_FEATURES2D
-> #if 1
and solved the problem.
the question is why i needed to modify the source ? probably i am doing something wrong in cmake or Visual Studio but maybe someone lead me to find my way.
thank you in advance
though i think, the ifdef shouldnt be there in the 1st place, HAVE_OPENCV_FEATURES2D is defined (or not) in opencv_modules.hpp, which should be in your
folderoh, can you check, which include paths are generated for the sample there ? it probably cannot access the opencv_modules header from there !
hi @berak, do you have line_descriptor-example-lsd_lines_extraction.exe what happens when you run it?
whole module did not compile for some reason(mingw), will have to try again, and see. (but i guess, it all depends on how you build the sample)
don't waste your time :) maybe @LBerger will try it. i am sure he has line_descriptor-example-lsd_lines_extraction.exe
ohh, it's an attempt to reduce dependancies
bingo! thank you..
and: at builttime of the samples, there is no install folder , heh (the samples are actually part of the install)
so the opencv_modules.hpp is in build/opencv2, that needs to be on your include path for the sample
i see better now.
move line 44 to 46
hi @LBerger yes it solves the problem. thank you :) maybe you will provide a PR