problem with cv::inRange to detect a tennis ball

asked 2017-07-19 12:57:47 -0600

Hello everybody,

I begin to use the openCV library and I don't succed to binarize an image. I want to put a tennis ball in white and the rest of the background in black. This is my code :

int main()
    int lowH = 40;    //color green
    int highH = 70;

    int lowS = 230;      
    int highS = 255;

    int lowV = 230;     
    int highV = 255;

    Mat inputFrame, hsvFrame, outputFrame;
    VideoCapture camCapture(0); 

    cvNamedWindow("Stream cam input", CV_WINDOW_NORMAL);
    cvNamedWindow("Stream cam hsv", CV_WINDOW_NORMAL);
    cvNamedWindow("Stream cam output", CV_WINDOW_NORMAL);

    if (!camCapture.isOpened()) std::cout << "error cam stream" << std::endl;

    while (1)

        cvtColor(inputFrame, hsvFrame, CV_BGR2HSV); 
        cv::inRange(hsvFrame, cv::Scalar(lowH, lowS, lowV), cv::Scalar(highH, highS, highV), outputFrame);

            keyboard = waitKey(30);
        if (keyboard == 27) break;

        imshow("Stream cam input", inputFrame);
        imshow("Stream cam hsv", hsvFrame);
        imshow("Stream cam output", outputFrame);
    cvDestroyWindow("Stream cam input");
    cvDestroyWindow("Stream cam hsv");
    cvDestroyWindow("Stream cam output");

with this code I can see the image from the webam, I can also see the converting in HSV, but the outputFrame is all black and I detect nothing, no object...

Could you help me

Thank you

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try with lower values for lowS and lowV, like 50, then slowly adjust & improve

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2017-07-20 01:05:20 -0600 )edit

I am new in this filed but I will suggest another way to detect the object. I think, you can subtract the current frame from previous frame and then convert resultant image to the binary image.

vps gravatar imagevps ( 2017-07-20 03:56:26 -0600 )edit