“Functional-style cast from id to double is not allowed” when building opencv with aruco on iOS
I'm trying to make an iOS app that can detect Aruco markers. So, I downloaded opencv2.framework for iOS, but I realized that Aruco is not included in that. Following this page
http:// docs.opencv.org/2.4/doc/tutorials/introduction/ios_install/ios_install.html
I compiled manually adding opencv_contrib: https:// github.com/opencv/opencv_contrib module
folder into the opencv module folder. This process worked fine and in Xcode I can access Aruco functions. But I also get this strange error: https:// i.stack.imgur.com/S8s4V.png
I've tried debugging and runtime v is passed as a double variable. The explicit cast (double)v is not valid too. How can I fix this?