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how to build opencv 3.2 with tesseract-ocr 4.0

asked 2017-02-05 09:17:01 -0600

hoangtocdo90 gravatar image

hi guys ! i'm need build opencv 3.2 + contribute (text module)+ tesseract-ocr . But i can't find include dir and lib file. Im searched and get it for 3.02 version. But i want install it with 4.0 i'm trying download source in github and compile it but include folder not appear. Please tell me how to get include folder and lib for tesseract-ocr 4.0 and i'm using windows 10 visual studio 2015 Thank you so much!

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answered 2017-02-12 22:45:04 -0600

hoangtocdo90 gravatar image

I'm find the way by using it. So simple =))

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Asked: 2017-02-05 09:17:01 -0600

Seen: 1,985 times

Last updated: Feb 12 '17