sift and surf in opencv 3.2
Hi, i build opencv 3.2 with opencv-contrib moduls also add [ #include "opencv2/xfeatures2d.hpp"] and [using namespace cv::xfeatures2d;] to my code but i have error when compile it. i used these commands for surf:
Ptr<SURF> detector;
detector->detect( imgbackground, Keypoints1 );
please guide me. thanks,
Please post the error message
Hi, the error is: error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: static struct cv::Ptr<class cv::xfeatures2d::surf=""> __cdecl cv::xfeatures2d::SURF::create(double,int,int,bool,bool)" (?create@SURF@xfeatures2d@cv@@SA?AU?$Ptr@VSURF@xfeatures2d@cv@@@3@NHH_N0@Z) referenced in function "void __cdecl campring(class cv::Mat const &,class cv::Mat const &)" (?campring@@YAXABVMat@cv@@0@Z)
it seems like linker error. which version of visual studio you use ?
if i only remove SURF process from my code , the compiler does not take error. then version of visual studio is ok. for example i detect background too .
is it in release mode ?
in debug mode.