Is "namedwindow" preferred function to build window in OpenCV?
I am interested in just base window as GUI - with title, max / min , close "buttons".
The actual content of window is not important.
Is "namedwindow" preferred function to build window in OpenCV?
I am interested in just base window as GUI - with title, max / min , close "buttons".
The actual content of window is not important.
you only need to call namedWindow() if you need certain flags, or try to add trackbars.
in any other case, imshow() will just create a window on-the-fly with the default flags (WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
(and you can omit the namedWindow() call entirely)
Asked: 2016-12-05 11:17:54 -0600
Seen: 1,309 times
Last updated: Dec 05 '16
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