Pose Estimation for UDT-AR?

asked 2016-11-14 04:38:35 -0600

Vintez gravatar image

updated 2016-11-14 07:19:36 -0600

Hey guys,

I try to make a (Android) Application, which supports UDT(User Defined Target) Tracking and Augmented Reality. Until now, I adapted FAST/SIFT for the Recognition. But it is just a kind of tracking by detection and does not uses a Pose Estimation until now.

Since the "tracking by detection" Aspect is kinda slow, I want to implement a method, which starts Tracking, after my FAST/SIFT Recognition got a Pose Estimation. Which I want to solve with OpenCV (Because I already use the Native Library)

To my Question now, how can I get the Pose Estimation after I found some matches? I thought, that solvePnPcould do the job, but for that I need 3D Points of the Object and the Camera Matrix (which I dont have!). I know, how I could achieve the Camera Matrix, but how the 3D Points? Since my Tracking is running with a UDT, I dont't know what 3D Points the Target has.

I'm grateful for every Idea and Possibility.

Edit To grant a little bit more input, After the detection of matches in the Camera Frame I remove Outliers and find the Homography between the Frame and my Reference Image (UDT) and calculate the Perspective Transformation. Bot via findHomography() and perspectiveTransform

Update: I looked a little through other Applications and Examples and found another Solution, where the Location of the points are calculated with the KLT-Algorithm. AFAIK this algorithm is Implemented in openCV's calcOpticalFlowPyrLK so is it possible to solve it that way?

Furthermore if it is possible to use this algorithm, what Images should inserted there? is prevImgmy previous detected Frame? and nextImg the current Frame?

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If you have the CAD model of the object, you can compute the 3D points for all the points that belong to a face. See this tutorial: Real Time pose estimation of a textured object.

Otherwise, I think that you should be able to estimate only the relative pose.

Eduardo gravatar imageEduardo ( 2016-11-14 10:25:51 -0600 )edit

Unfortunately that will never be the Case. A User Defined Target means, that the User takes a Photo of some Scene. This Photo is used as reference. It is not the original Natural Feature Tracking where the Application knows the reference. (Should have explained that sorry!)

Vintez gravatar imageVintez ( 2016-11-14 10:33:35 -0600 )edit