Subtract operation creates result with noise
Hi all, I'm trying to subtract two Mat instances to obtain a result that represents a person's signature. Unfortunately, my resulting Mat seems to show noise along the top edge. Here are the source images and output:
The templateToMatch: C:\fakepath\template.png
The original source from which the ROI will be extracted, referred to as "formImage" in the code:C:\fakepath\sep-ira-completed-handwritten-p5.png
The ROI extracted via matchTemplate and Rect:C:\fakepath\signed.png
The result of running subtract on the template and extracted ROI: C:\fakepath\difference.png
As you can see, difference.png shows noise creeping down over the actual signature.
Can someone have a look at my implementation and tell me what I may be doing wrong? Is there a way I can mitigate this, if not avoid it altogether?
Here's where the subtraction takes place:
cv::Mat extractSignatureFromRegion(cv::Mat & templateToMatch, cv::Mat & formImage, bool* sigFound) {
Mat signature;
Mat result;
bool hasSignature = false;
Mat sigRegion = getSignatureRegion(templateToMatch, formImage);
subtract(templateToMatch, sigRegion, signature);
cvtColor(signature, signature, CV_BGR2GRAY);
if (countNonZero(signature) > 0) {
hasSignature = true;
*sigFound = hasSignature;
return signature;
Here's the getSignatureRegion that uses template matching to extract the potentially signed region in the source doc:
cv::Mat getSignatureRegion(cv::Mat & templateToMatch, cv::Mat & formImage) {
//Create result matrix from template and original source
Mat resultImg;
Mat resultMatrix;
Mat regionMatchingTemplate;
Mat result;
double minVal;
double maxVal;
Point minLoc;
Point maxLoc;
Point matchLoc;
int resultColumns = formImage.cols - templateToMatch.cols + 1;
int resultRows = formImage.rows - templateToMatch.rows + 1;
resultMatrix.create(resultColumns, resultRows, CV_32FC1);
// Match template and normalize
matchTemplate(formImage, templateToMatch, resultMatrix, CV_TM_SQDIFF);
normalize(resultMatrix, resultMatrix, 0, 1, NORM_MINMAX, -1, Mat());
minMaxLoc(resultMatrix, &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc, Mat());
matchLoc = minLoc;
regionMatchingTemplate = formImage(Rect(matchLoc.x, matchLoc.y, templateToMatch.cols, templateToMatch.rows));
return result;
Here's another example where this time, I used a template to extract a region from an empty form where no signature is present in the ROI. I would expect the subtract operation to result in a nearly empty Mat, but again there is "noise" along the bottom edge of the result:
Unsigned form: C:\fakepath\rollover-signature-page-unsigned.jpg
Template to find ROI of empty signature box: C:\fakepath\template.png
ROI that was extracted from unsigned form: C:\fakepath\signed.png
And finally, the subtract result with a weird black rectangled along bottom edge: C:\fakepath\difference.png
I haven't ever seen anything like this except possibly some only partially saved pictures. Are you exiting before it finishes saving? I'll take a look at this later today and try to replicate.
Cannot replicate. It works as expected, and I didn't alter your code at all.
Thanks a lot for testing this out. The input data is just getting passed into the code that calls opencv from a view controller in an iOS app that loads the input images from the device's filesystem. And then I return the results (result, regionmatchingTemplate Mat instances) back up for display to the user. Just curious, which platform did you test this on? I may switch to a different reference platform, as I've definitely had issues on iOS.
I tested in C++ on Windows. Should work fine on anything I would think. Whatever the problem is, I don't think it's OpenCV. There's some event or process going on either loading or saving the data that isn't finishing before you start doing things.