How to load single bit 3 channel image? [closed]
Image is in the range [0-1].I tried to use Mat img=imread(filename,CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR); But the rows are 0 and cols are 0 and channels as 3. So how to access it properly. when i'm using CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYDEPTH error is coming.
where does that image come from (and in which format did it got saved) ?
Can you please confirm your bit depth? i.e is it floating point [0.0 - 1.0] or bool (Binary) [0 or 1] ? There is no binary data format in opencv! You can use 8UC instead!
In matlab it is showing as single bit image
Image we only computed using ERDAS software. Image is converted to TOA(Top of Atmospheric reflectance)... Stored as tiff format
Bit depth is [0.0-1.0]
opencv support for weird tiff formats is unfortunately very sparse.
maybe you 'll have to fall back to use libtiff directly (w/o imread() wrapper)
Unable to use libtiff properly..So is there any other way to access it
Tried to use IplImage img=cvLoadImage(filename,-1) but it is also not working
ahhh please don't (avoid the c-api, it's plain dead.)
Any other way to read??