Opencv 3.0 and GCC 5.3 and later support
My ubuntu version is 16.04 LTI and I am going to install Opencv 3.0 in that machine. While doing the installation I came across a bug report in the link link text. The link says about GCC supported by OpenCV in Ubuntu 16.04. Is that fixed or will there be problem in compiling OpenCV c++ code in Ubuntu 16.04. I am using CUDA 7.5 also, so my OpenCV code will be running on GPU.
idk about the cuda situation, but 3.0 is already more than a year old, please try with github master instead.
With Opencv 3.1.0 and Ubutnu 16.04 i got the error with Gcc version in compiling CUDA 7.0 files. So before installing Opencv I installed CUDA 8.0 and then went for OpenCV installation. Also installed the required Nvidia driver My cmake "cmake -D CUDA_ARCH_BIN=3.5 -D CUDA_ARCH_PTX=3.5 CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local -D WITH_TBB=ON -D BUILD_NEW_PYTHON_SUPPORT=ON -D WITH_V4L=ON -D BUILD_TIFF=ON -D WITH_QT=ON -D WITH_OPENGL=ON ENABLE_FAST_MATH=1 -D CUDA_FAST_MATH=1 -D WITH_CUBLAS=1 INSTALL_PYTHON_EXAMPLES=ON -D BUILD_EXAMPLES=ON -D CUDA_GENERATION=Kepler -D CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS="-D_FORCE_INLINES" .. "