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Assertion failure durring defishing in initUndistortRectifyMap

asked 2016-08-26 07:32:21 -0600

salahuddin_12 gravatar image

updated 2016-08-26 07:36:05 -0600

I'm trying to do fish an image by providing "camera_matrix" and "distortion_coefficients" to cv::fisheye::undistortImage. problem is I'm getting Assertion error. Reason is the distortion coefficients which i'm getting through camera calibration are 5x1

<distortion_coefficients type_id="opencv-matrix"> <rows>5</rows> <cols>1</cols> <dt>d</dt> <data> -2.0834245161331000e-01 5.8179563841609050e-02 0. 0. -8.0440183287724919e-03</data></distortion_coefficients>

but undistortImage method accepts 4X1 distortion matrix. Any idea whats the way around to this problem

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Following is the error which I'm getting

'error: (-215) K.size() == Size(3, 3) && (D.empty() || == 4) in function initUndistortRectifyMap'

salahuddin_12 gravatar imagesalahuddin_12 ( 2016-08-26 07:36:41 -0600 )edit

how did you achieve those dist coeffs ?

(my guess is, you have to use a fisheye calibration as well, not the ordinary one.)

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2016-08-26 07:37:39 -0600 )edit

I used "opencv/samples/cpp/tutorial_code/calib3d/camera_calibration/camera_calibration.cpp" script.

salahuddin_12 gravatar imagesalahuddin_12 ( 2016-08-26 07:39:49 -0600 )edit
berak gravatar imageberak ( 2016-08-26 07:47:13 -0600 )edit

It worked like a charm. Can you write it as an answer so then i can mark it. One more thing. After applying the distortion I'm loosing some of the image (Is there a way to avoid that).

salahuddin_12 gravatar imagesalahuddin_12 ( 2016-08-26 07:59:40 -0600 )edit

"loosing some of the images" - means ?

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2016-08-26 08:30:16 -0600 )edit
salahuddin_12 gravatar imagesalahuddin_12 ( 2016-08-26 08:34:16 -0600 )edit
salahuddin_12 gravatar imagesalahuddin_12 ( 2016-08-26 08:34:45 -0600 )edit

I was acceding my comment limit so i had to divide it in two. If you see I'm loosing some of the image in undistorted version. Any idea how to avoid it.

salahuddin_12 gravatar imagesalahuddin_12 ( 2016-08-26 08:35:58 -0600 )edit

^^ url fail.

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2016-08-26 08:41:08 -0600 )edit

1 answer

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answered 2016-08-26 08:29:35 -0600

berak gravatar image

you have to do a proper fisheye calibration, to get the appropriate distortion coeffs.

if you're using opencv's calibration sample, enable it here

then try again with the new distortion coeffs.

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Asked: 2016-08-26 07:32:21 -0600

Seen: 1,300 times

Last updated: Aug 26 '16