Missing files in OpenCV 2.4.8 [closed]
Hi all,
Thanks to those people who pointed out where I could find an old version of 2.4.8
Unfortunately all these seem to be missing the following files:
- opencv_core248.dll
- opencv_highgui248.dll
- opencv_ffmpeg248_64.dll
I am trying to configure Microsoft Zootracer, but not really having much luck!!!
If anyone could point out where I can get hold of these three files I would be grateful.
yea, that's the downside of closed src ;(
they just put it on their website 2 years ago, but never cared afterwards.
(do you see the red flags all over ?)
I am starting to see the red flags.
Was hoping that someone may have a copy still installed, or have the ability to generate a copy of those files.
If not its back to the drawing board and a LONG road to another programe.
there are 2.4.8 binaries of sourceforge, if you go all to the bottom, but i doubt, that they have those libs (more like a single opencv_world.lib instead)
you can try to build the 2.4.8 src locally (this should generate those libs) , -- but that's some effort.
Thanks, been on those sourceforge binaries (with no luck!!)
How would I go about building the 2.4.8 source code locally?
do you have a c++ compiler even ? would you know, how to handle it ?
build docs are here . you'd be safe to skip all dependancies but cmake, but still, i'm getting more and more doubts, that you want to jump through that hoof.
Yep, you are right!!!
I have not got a clue! Im an ecologist, and want to use the zootracer programme. No idea about computers whatsoever!
Next step may be to take it to a computer repair shop and see if they can generate the code / build the programme.
Thanks for your help sofar though, much appreciated.