Best way to save cv::Mat and load it in Matlab?
Best way to save something in cv::Mat(or other opencv format) and then load it in Matlab?
Best way to save something in cv::Mat(or other opencv format) and then load it in Matlab?
I am using three ways to interface Matlab and OpenCV:
I am not satisfied with these approaches myself, but hopefully it gives some ideas. What I need all the time is to access local variables during debugging OpenCV application. Visual Studio allows using 'Immediate Window' to inspect variables. Ideally, I would like to access the local variables in Matlab and work with them.
Assuming I know the pointer to the beginning of image data during debugging OpenCV, it would be great to read from this location the data to Matlab. Is that possible?
Asked: 2013-03-25 01:05:36 -0600
Seen: 3,777 times
Last updated: Mar 29 '13
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