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Let me provide some feedback to your very long talk. As a moderator of the Q&A and frequent contributor to OpenCV repository I guess I can give you some pointers.

Opencv3 does not build out of the box with the supplied IPP libraries

  • Let me start by saying that you should at least provide us with decent information, like your configuration, OpenCV options installed, IPP version, ... this is the bare minimal needed for developers to help debug your problem.
  • Besides that, just tested and confirmed that OpenCV 3 just builds perfectly fine on Ubuntu 14.04 with the packed limited IPP functionality.
  • With latest OpenCV 3 master branch, I mean getting the github repository, and not some other prepacked version on the net.
  • So I just proved that this statement is false without any more explanation.

Solution ...

  • IF you found a solution to your problem, then please provide fixes through pull requests with fixes.
  • This is a community based software library, heavily depending on its user base to fix possible wrongs in the codebase.

I downloaded 3.1.0 from the website

  • First giant mistake here. Go to github and download the latest branch. TONS of fixes have been merged since the release of that package :) Only way to be sure you have the latest version is to grab it yourself through a clone.

only flag I used was -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE

  • In my opinion second mistake, use at least CMAKE-GUI first to identify possible libraries not correctly found.
  • It is way more intuitive for giving directions to the current problems.

It fails when trying to link with the IPP that comes bundled in the 3rdparty directory of opencv 3.

  • As said, it works just fine here with a clean copy of the latest repo.

those strange looking errors using OpenCV provided IPP

  • You are mixing debug and release binaries here, because that is the only time I see such errors with numbers next to functionality popping up
  • Also be aware that the shipped IPP is a limited set of functionality, offered by Intel to OpenCV users for free. If you use any other IPP function yourself, it will NOT work, unless you have a payed version of IPP on your system.

In my opinion the stuff above should be fixed first before we can continue on the other errors. It is like making sure the above works first

I was willing to spend over a week of very frustrating effort trying to make it work

  • That was just a wrong decision here. The community is active, pass along faster if you have problems and we will surely help you out faster!

I realize that as a user I have no right to ask the OpenCV developers to do any additional work

  • Actually you do, just like said by @LBerger, there are interfaces enough to push your questions to the developers and to ask for help where possible.