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I also have this problem, and I don't know what's the cause.

Fortunately there's an easy workaround. That library is given by the pkg-config command in the Makefile.

All you need to do is delete the library from the opencv pkg-config configuration file. Open /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/opencv.pc (or whatever the OpenCV install directory is) and delete from the Libs: line -lippicv. Now everything should work fine.

I also have this problem, and I don't know what's the cause.

Fortunately there's an easy workaround. That library is given by the pkg-config --libs opencv command in the Makefile.

All you need to do is delete the this library from the opencv pkg-config configuration file. Open /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/opencv.pc (or whatever the OpenCV install directory is) and delete from the Libs: line -lippicv. Now everything should work fine.