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I have an update on my issue. I can get my code operating with multiple threads at work. However, my home computer will not perform multithreaded openmp. I just found a difference in compilers. My work computer has OpenMP 2.5 and my home has OpenMP 3.0. My home computer is a PCDuino 8 running Ubuntu 14.

I tried to include my src code but the attachment tool would only let me include image suffixes.


I have an update on my issue. I can get my code operating with multiple threads at work. However, my home computer will not perform multithreaded openmp. I just found a difference in compilers. My work computer has OpenMP 2.5 and my home has OpenMP 3.0. My home computer is a PCDuino 8 running Ubuntu 14.

I tried to include my src code but the attachment tool would only let me include image suffixes.


Another question: Should I add some other flags or env variables for OpenMP 3.1. My work computer works fine with OpenMP 2.5 but my home PCDuino8 does not work with OpenMP 3.1. Maybe OpenCV is not setup for OpenMP 3.1. Has anyone had success with OpenMP 3.1 and OpenCV?