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Actually your downloaded folder should contain the following subfolders:

  • 3rdparty: all extra libs needed for the library
  • apps: application specifically designed for OpenCV based on the OpenCV sourcecode, mainly used for object detection and annotation for the moment
  • include: folder that contains all the header files as said before
  • modules: which contains the src code for each module, at the subfolder src for each module specifically

An example, the src of the core module can be found here.

Actually your downloaded folder should contain the following subfolders:

  • 3rdparty: all extra libs needed for the library
  • apps: application specifically designed for OpenCV based on the OpenCV sourcecode, mainly used for object detection and annotation for the moment
  • include: folder that contains all the header files as said before
  • modules: which contains the src code for each module, at the subfolder src for each module specifically
  • data: all data used by the provided software
  • doc: everything to build the documentation locally
  • samples: OpenCV examples

An example, the src of the core module can be found here.