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There are instances when you want to change a grayscale image into color. In my case, I am working with an ROI on which I found contours. The contours are grayscale image (actually just binary but appear as 8-bit). I want to superimpose the contours into the original color image. So, I use the C++ command to convert cv::cvtColor ( contours, display.operator()(contour_area), CV_GRAY2RGB );. Don't know the equivalent in Python but there should be an equivalent of cvtColor.

There are instances when you want to change a grayscale image into color. In my case, I am working with an ROI on which I found contours. The contours are grayscale image (actually just binary but appear as 8-bit). I want to superimpose the contours into the original color image. So, I use the C++ command to convert cv::cvtColor ( contours, display.operator()(contour_area), CV_GRAY2RGB );. Don't know the equivalent in Python but there should be an The equivalent of cvtColor in python is cv2.cvtColor.