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Didn't a question like this appear yesterday as well? Seems like homework assignment from some class. In your case, you need to move the namedWindow call before the loop and waitKey call just after imshow inside the loop.

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Didn't a question like this appear yesterday as well? well here? Seems like homework assignment from some class. In your case, you need to move the namedWindow call before the loop and waitKey call just after imshow inside the loop.

Didn't a question like this appear yesterday as well here? Seems like homework assignment from some class. In your case, you need to move the namedWindow call before the loop and waitKey call just after imshow inside the loop.

In your imshow, you should display the last image you added to the vector, instead of the whole vector. So, your call should be: imshow ( "smallImages", cv::Mat ( image, rect );.

Didn't a question like this appear yesterday as well here? Seems like homework assignment from some class. In your case, you need to move the namedWindow call before the loop and waitKey call just after imshow inside the loop.

In your imshow, you should display the last image you added to the vector, instead of the whole vector. So, your call should be: imshow ( "smallImages", cv::Mat ( image, rect );));.