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initial version
  1. Create a mask image for the area to be cropped

image description

2.Find the bounding box for mask, you should do the following

image description

3.Crop the source using bound rect.

image description


   Mat src=imread("barcode.png",1);
   Mat thr,gray;
   threshold( gray, thr, 50, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV );

   Size kernalSize (21,21);
   Mat element = getStructuringElement (MORPH_RECT, kernalSize, Point(1,1)  );
   morphologyEx( thr, thr, MORPH_CLOSE, element );

   vector< vector <Point> > contours;
   vector< Vec4i > hierarchy;
   findContours( thr, contours, hierarchy,CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE );
   Rect ROI=boundingRect(contours[0]); //Contour size  should bealways 1

   Mat crop=src(ROI);
  1. Create a mask image for the area to be cropped

image description

2.Find the bounding box for mask, you should do the following

image description

3.Crop the source using bound rect.

image description


   Mat src=imread("barcode.png",1);
   Mat thr,gray;
   threshold( gray, thr, 50, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV );

   Size kernalSize (21,21);
   Mat element = getStructuringElement (MORPH_RECT, kernalSize, Point(1,1)  );
   morphologyEx( thr, thr, MORPH_CLOSE, element );

   vector< vector <Point> > contours;
   vector< Vec4i > hierarchy;
   findContours( thr, contours, hierarchy,CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE );
   Rect ROI=boundingRect(contours[0]); //Contour size  should bealways 1

   Mat crop=src(ROI);
  1. Create a mask image for the area to be cropped

image description

2.Find the bounding box for mask, you should do the following

image description

3.Crop the source using bound rect.

image description


   Mat src=imread("barcode.png",1);
   Mat thr,gray;
   threshold( gray, thr, 50, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV );

   Size kernalSize (21,21);
   Mat element = getStructuringElement (MORPH_RECT, kernalSize, Point(1,1)  );
   morphologyEx( thr, thr, MORPH_CLOSE, element );

   vector< vector <Point> > contours;
   vector< Vec4i > hierarchy;
   findContours( thr, contours, hierarchy,CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE );
   Rect ROI=boundingRect(contours[0]); //Contour size  should bealways 1

   Mat crop=src(ROI);