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Hello, as far as I know, on Windows, VideoCapture can work with various of video file types (.mp4, .avi, .mov, .mpeg, .flv, .wmv), even though Windows Media Player can not open that types of files on the same system. I have tested a MFC dialog based program that can open all that formats (also a H264 .mov file) and did not have any problem. My machine runs Windows 7 32 bit and I used OpenCV 3.0.0-dev with VS 2010 (also tested with VS 2012 Update 4), I did not install any codec package. I think the opencv_ffmpeg300.dll is the one that provides such capacity. Hope this help.

Hello, as far as I know, on Windows, VideoCapture can work with various of video file types (.mp4, .avi, .mov, .mpeg, .flv, .wmv), even though Windows Media Player can not open that types of files on the same system. I have tested a MFC dialog based program that can open all that formats (also a the H264 .mov file) type) and did not have any problem. My machine runs Windows 7 32 bit and I used OpenCV 3.0.0-dev with VS 2010 (also tested with VS 2012 Update 4), I did not install any codec package. I think the opencv_ffmpeg300.dll is the one that provides such capacity. Hope this help.