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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

Hmm, I am not 100% sure, but the issue seems to be related to what you do the Mat mView. First, you make it a copy of the gray image, but then you reuse mView in drawMatches. drawMatches concatenates the 2 images mGray and mObject and puts them together with the matches in mView. So mView is bigger than mGray obviously. Then you return mView to draw it on the screen. This will fail since the function that receives mView expects an image of the same size as the inputFrame (mGray for example). So, in simple words, you cannot return mView like that.

click to hide/show revision 2
spelling mistake(s)

Hmm, I am not 100% sure, but the issue seems to be related to what you do to the Mat mView. First, you make it a copy of the gray image, but then you reuse mView in drawMatches. drawMatches concatenates the 2 images mGray and mObject and puts them together with the matches in mView. So mView is bigger than mGray obviously. Then you return mView to draw it on the screen. This will fail since the function that receives mView expects an image of the same size as the inputFrame (mGray for example). So, in simple words, you cannot return mView like that.