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If you use opencv's perspectiveTransform(...) with inputs: - Points from oblique image A. - matrix H from oblique image A.

It will transform those points from oblique image plane to the ortho image plane.

There is also the warpPerspective(...) that does the same but for whole images, instead of just points.

About figuring out camera parameters, maybe you mean finding the intrinsic and extrinsic matrixes? You should check this stackoverflow post:

If you use opencv's perspectiveTransform(...) with inputs: - inputs:

  • Points from oblique image A. - A.
  • matrix H from oblique image A.

It will transform those points from oblique image plane to the ortho image plane.

There is also the warpPerspective(...) that does the same but for whole images, instead of just points.

About figuring out camera parameters, maybe you mean finding the intrinsic and extrinsic matrixes? You should check this stackoverflow post: