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your code doesn't contain getPerspectiveTransform. do you have the homography matrix returned by that call?

the homography matrix lets you translate any point in one image to the corresponding point in the other... but if you invert it, you can do the opposite!

you may or may not need np.linalg.inv to invert the matrix, and you need to matrix-multiply ( or @-operator between operands) your point in a specific format with the matrix.

when you have a point (x,y), you need to construct a vector v = np.matrix([x, y, 1]).T, and then you can say v_mapped = M @ v; v_mapped /= v_mapped[2]. now you have the point (x', y') in v_mapped[0:2]

I believe OpenCV's perspectiveTransform() procedure does this for you:

in the numpy case you may have to reshape the src argument suitably. if you have your points as an array of row vectors [[x,y], [x,y], ...], then you may have to reshape it to be (-1, 1, 2) and pass that