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I solved problem.

#OpenCV 4.3.0, Raspberry pi3B/+, 4b/4g/8g, Thonny 3.7.3
#Date: 6th July, 2020

import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv
import sys

def main():
    fn = 'bottle_eggs.png'

    src = cv.imread(fn)
    img = cv.cvtColor(src, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    img = cv.medianBlur(img, 11)
    cimg = src.copy() # numpy function

    circles = cv.HoughCircles(img, cv.HOUGH_GRADIENT, 1, 10, np.array([]), 79, 23, 9, 26)

    counter = 0
    if circles is not None: # Check if circles have been found and only then iterate over these and add them to the image
        _a, b, _c = circles.shape
        for i in range(b):
  , (circles[0][i][0], circles[0][i][1]), 2, (0, 255, 0), 3, cv.LINE_AA)  # draw center of circle
            counter += 1

        print('total both bottle and eggs {}'.format(counter))
        cv.imwrite('bottles_eggs.jpg', cimg)
        cv.imshow('detected circles', cimg)

    cv.imshow("source", src)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Output: image description

I solved problem.

#OpenCV 4.3.0, Raspberry pi3B/+, 4b/4g/8g, Thonny 3.7.3
#Date: 6th July, 2020

import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv
import sys

def main():
    fn = 'bottle_eggs.png'

    src = cv.imread(fn)
    img = cv.cvtColor(src, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    img = cv.medianBlur(img, 11)
    cimg = src.copy() # numpy function

    circles = cv.HoughCircles(img, cv.HOUGH_GRADIENT, 1, 10, np.array([]), 79, 23, 9, 26)

    counter = 0
    if circles is not None: # Check if circles have been found and only then iterate over these and add them to the image
        _a, b, _c = circles.shape
        for i in range(b):
  , (circles[0][i][0], circles[0][i][1]), 2, (0, 255, 0), 3, cv.LINE_AA)  # draw center of circle
            counter += 1

        print('total both bottle and eggs {}'.format(counter))
        cv.imwrite('bottles_eggs.jpg', cimg)
        cv.imshow('detected circles', cimg)

    cv.imshow("source", src)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Output: Output 50 circles:

image description

I solved problem.problem. I play around with HoughCircles value 79, 23. And medianBlur to 11(odd number not even numbers)

#OpenCV 4.3.0, Raspberry pi3B/+, 4b/4g/8g, Thonny 3.7.3
#Date: 6th July, 2020

import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv
import sys

def main():
    fn = 'bottle_eggs.png'

    src = cv.imread(fn)
    img = cv.cvtColor(src, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    img = cv.medianBlur(img, 11)
    cimg = src.copy() # numpy function

    circles = cv.HoughCircles(img, cv.HOUGH_GRADIENT, 1, 10, np.array([]), 79, 23, 9, 26)

    counter = 0
    if circles is not None: # Check if circles have been found and only then iterate over these and add them to the image
        _a, b, _c = circles.shape
        for i in range(b):
  , (circles[0][i][0], circles[0][i][1]), 2, (0, 255, 0), 3, cv.LINE_AA)  # draw center of circle
            counter += 1

        print('total both bottle and eggs {}'.format(counter))
        cv.imwrite('bottles_eggs.jpg', cimg)
        cv.imshow('detected circles', cimg)

    cv.imshow("source", src)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Output 50 circles:

image description