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OpenCV "should" be compatible with all CUDA versions, however due to the age (2011) of compute-capability 2.0 devices I am not surprised that there are some issues compiling certain versions of CUDA against more recent versions of OpenCV. For example I had to remove compute capability 2.0 (-DCUDA_ARCH_BIN=3.0,3.5,3.7,5.0,5.2,6.0,6.1) in order to compile OpenCV 4.3.0 against CUDA 8.0 even though CUDA 8.0 supports that device.

Given that you have a compute-capability 2.0 device you need to compile OpenCV with a version of CUDA which is compatible with that compute-capability, CUDA SDK 3.0-8.0. As you have discovered CUDA 9.0 won't work.

I can confirm that you should be able to compile OpenCV 3.4.0 with CUDA 8.0 and that should support your device. That said your GPU will be quite slow by modern standards with a quarter the floating point compute of a mid range modern but not current generation GTX 1060. Additionally your card has significantly memory bandwidth when you take into account your card has 8GB and the GTX 1060 has 3GB.