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initial version

i neither have the device, nor the sdk, so all of it "with a grain of salt", but it might boil down to something like this:

initialization (once):

Mat rgb(480,640,CV_8UC3); 
Mat depth(240,320,CV_16UC1);
Mat ampli(240,320,CV_16UC1);
mtfFrameInfo stFrameInfo;

unsigned short** depth_amp = new unsigned short *[2];
depth_amp [0] = (unsigned short*);
depth_amp [1] = (unsigned short*);

//1. get connect device list
MTF_API::mtfHandle      m_pHnd;                 //control device handle
MTF_API::mtfDeviceInfo  m_pDevInfo[MAX_DEVICE]; //device info
int nDevCount = 0;
MTF_API::mtfGetDeviceList(m_pDevInfo, &nDevCount);
//2. set control device handle
m_pHnd = m_pDevInfo[0].mtfHnd;//deivce 0 handle
// device
CV_Assert(MTF_API::mtfDeviceOpen(m_pHnd) == MTF_API::ERROR_NO);

per frame:


//Get Depth Data From device
MTF_API::mtfReadFromDevice(m_pHnd, (unsigned short**)depth_amp, &stFrameInfo) ;
//Get RGB Depth Data From device
MTF_API::mtfReadFromDevice_RGB888(m_pHnd, (unsigned char*), &stFrameInfo);
