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The code above wasn't buiding with Python3. Just in case if this is useful, see the code below with minor corrections.

import cv2 as cv import numpy as np

im = cv.imread("plank.jpg") gray = cv.cvtColor(im, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) gray = cv.GaussianBlur(gray, (5, 5), 0) _, bin = cv.threshold(gray,120,255,1) # inverted threshold (light obj on dark bg) bin = cv.dilate(bin, None) # fill some holes bin = cv.dilate(bin, None) bin = cv.erode(bin, None) # dilate made our shape larger, revert that bin = cv.erode(bin, None) contours, hierarchy = cv.findContours(bin, cv.RETR_LIST, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)

rc = cv.minAreaRect(contours[0]) box = cv.boxPoints(rc) for p in box: pt = (p[0],p[1]) print(pt),pt,5,(200,0,0),2) cv.imshow("plank", im) cv.waitKey()

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No.2 Revision

The code above wasn't buiding with Python3. Just in case if this is useful, see the code below with minor corrections.

import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np


im = cv.imread("plank.jpg") gray = cv.cvtColor(im, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) gray = cv.GaussianBlur(gray, (5, 5), 0) _, bin = cv.threshold(gray,120,255,1) # inverted threshold (light obj on dark bg) bin = cv.dilate(bin, None) # fill some holes bin = cv.dilate(bin, None) bin = cv.erode(bin, None) # dilate made our shape larger, revert that bin = cv.erode(bin, None) contours, hierarchy = cv.findContours(bin, cv.RETR_LIST, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)


rc = cv.minAreaRect(contours[0]) box = cv.boxPoints(rc) for p in box: pt = (p[0],p[1]) print(pt),pt,5,(200,0,0),2) cv.imshow("plank", im) cv.waitKey()
