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Finally understood what was wrong. I was just giving the name of the video whereas I should be stating the full path, like the following

    pathSavedVideoFolder = getExternalFilesDir(null).getPath(); 
    filenameRawVideo = pathSavedVideoFolder + "/SavedVideo.avi";

The path should be something like "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/YOUR PROJECT/files". In order for you to check the saved video you'll need to 'refresh' the content on your device (or simply unplug and plug the phone back to the computer). Afterwards you should easily find the file inside the Android/data/YOUR PROJECT/files folder.

Another mistake I made was that I started to use getFilesDir but in order to have access to it you'd need user permission which I didn't require.

Maybe all of this is obvious for Android developers but coming from Python I still wanted to share! Take care