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The lines of code that you list correspond to the present HEAD of the master branch, where these lines have recently been updated w.r.t. the 4.0.0 tag. In the 4.0.0 tag, the initializer lists in these lines contain floating point literals. In the HEAD this is updated to use the names you now see in the initializer lists. They are declared as const float. I am not sure why this is considered dynamic initialization. It might depend on the c++ standard that is being used.

You have a couple of options to solve this:

  1. Play around with the c++ standard setting in the CMake options. More recent c++ standards should be able to process this.

  2. Check out the 4.0.0 tag. I recently built OpenCV from the 4.0.0 tag with a subset of CUDA modules. But in order to successfully build, I had to update the following two cmake files from a more recent commit in github:

The lines of code that you list correspond to the present HEAD of the master branch, where these lines have recently been updated w.r.t. the 4.0.0 tag. In the 4.0.0 tag, the initializer lists in these lines contain floating point literals. In the HEAD this is updated to use the names you now see in the initializer lists. They are declared as const float. I am not sure why this is considered dynamic initialization. It might depend on the c++ standard that is being used.

You have a couple of options to solve this:

  1. Play around with the c++ standard setting in the CMake options. More recent c++ standards should be able to process this.

  2. Check out the 4.0.0 tag. I recently built OpenCV from the 4.0.0 tag with a subset of CUDA modules. But in order to successfully build, I had to update the following two cmake files from a more recent commit in github:

    • cmake/OpenCVModule.cmake

    • modules/gapi/cmake/init.cmake

The lines of code that you list correspond to the present HEAD of the master branch, where these lines have recently been updated w.r.t. the 4.0.0 tag. In the 4.0.0 tag, the initializer lists in these lines contain floating point literals. In the HEAD this is updated to use the names names, declared as const float, that you now see in the initializer lists. They are declared as const float. I am not sure why this is considered dynamic initialization. It might depend on the c++ standard that is being used.

You have a couple of options to solve this:

  1. Play around with the c++ standard setting in the CMake options. More recent c++ standards should be able to process this.

  2. Check out the 4.0.0 tag. I recently built OpenCV from the 4.0.0 tag with a subset of CUDA modules. But in order to successfully build, I had to update the following two cmake files from a more recent commit in github:

    • cmake/OpenCVModule.cmake

    • modules/gapi/cmake/init.cmake