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As the name suggests, OpenCV does Computer Vision, which is not often used in user applications.

I think OpenCV is used mostly in robotics (the ROS and libmrpt are strongly integrated with OpenCV).

As OpenCV is very low-level, it is not directly used by applications, rather integrated in libraries that provide a simplified interface for specific tasks and can be used by apps as plugins or modules to provide extra functionnality.

For example video and image filters provided by the libavfilter and gmic libraries, face detection/recognition library libkf5kface for KDE apps, license plate recognition (openalpr), cell counting (opencfu) and so on.

There are also some PHP and Python libraries that can be used for server-side image recognition and automatic processing.

Some user applications that use OpenCV directly are Siril (for astronomical image processing) and Saga-GIS (for geological image processing).