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code above will throw an exception, and won't work as is.

matrix multiplication is basically: _ * | , so if v = a single column, and M.cols==v.rows, it is:

v * M == M.t() * v.t()

(and the inversion does not matter at all here, since it does not change the shape of M)

code above will throw an exception, and won't work as is.

matrix multiplication is basically: _ * | , so if v = a single columnrow, and M.cols==v.rows, M.rows==v.cols, it is:

v * M == M.t() * v.t()

(and the inversion does not matter at all here, since it does not change the shape of M)

code above will throw an exception, and won't work as is.

matrix multiplication is basically: _ * | , so if v = a single row, and M.rows==v.cols, it is:

v * M == M.t() (M.t() * v.t()

(and the inversion does not matter at all here, since it does not change the shape of M)