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i can only partly answer this, but here are some bulletpoints:

  • there is a BUILD_LIST feature, where you can specify the modules you want , overriding the existing BUILD_opencv_xxxx=ON settings. you'd use it like:

    cmake -DBUILD_LIST=dnn,core,calib3d,imgproc,imgcodecs,highgui

    (comma seperated modulenames without opencv_ prefix)

  • to pick up your xfeatures2d example: each module has a CmakeLists.txt, where you can find its dependancies , in this case:

    opencv_core opencv_imgproc opencv_features2d opencv_calib3d

    are mandatory. (... then you'll find out, that features2d needs flann ;)

  • you have to carefully watch the cmake output for lines like:

    module xxxx disabled because of missing dependancy yyyy

    before you can run configure or make