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I have written a code that takes a file list and trains the neural network:

import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import random

def add_noise(img_input_array, scale):
    for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        noise = float(random.randint(0, 255))   
        noise = noise / 255.0
        img_input_array[i] = (img_input_array[i] + noise*scale) / (1.0 + scale)

        if img_input_array[i] < 0.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 0.0

        if img_input_array[i] > 1.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 1.0

    return img_input_array

# A function that takes an integer and gives the bit numpy array
def get_bits_for_int(src_min_bits, src_number):
    bits = bin(src_number)[2:]

    a = np.array([])

    for i in range(0, len(bits)):
        a = np.append(a, float(bits[i]))

    num_bits = len(a)
    needed_bits = 0

    if num_bits < src_min_bits:
        needed_bits = src_min_bits - num_bits

    for i in range(0, needed_bits):
        a = np.insert(a, 0, 0.0)

    return a

# Read file list
file = open("files.txt", "r") 

filenames = []
classifications = []

for line in file:
    filenames.append(line.split(" ")[0])
    classifications.append(int(line.split(" ")[1]))

# Get the maximum classification number
max_class = 0

for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
    if classifications[i] > max_class:
        max_class = classifications[i]

num_classes = max_class + 1

# Get minimum number of bits needed to encode num_classes distinct classes
num_bits_needed = math.ceil(math.log(num_classes)/math.log(2.0))

# Get image and ANN parameters
sample_img = cv2.imread(filenames[0])

img_rows = sample_img.shape[0]
img_cols = sample_img.shape[1]
channels_per_pixel = 3

num_input_neurons = int(img_rows*img_cols*channels_per_pixel)
num_output_neurons = int(num_bits_needed)
num_hidden_neurons = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(num_input_neurons*num_output_neurons)))

ann =
ann.setLayerSizes(np.array([num_input_neurons, num_hidden_neurons, num_output_neurons], dtype=np.int64))
ann.setTermCriteria((cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 1, 0.000001 ))
ann.setTrainMethod(, 0.001)

# Read image from file
img_input_array = sample_img.flatten()
img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

# Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
    img_input_array[i] = float(img_input_array[i]) / float(255)

# Get output image
img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

# Make both images have 1 row, many columns
img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

# Train the network
img_td =,, img_output_array)
ann.train(img_td, |

# For each training iteration
for i in range(0, 1000):

    # For each file
    for j in range(0, len(filenames)):

        # Read image from file
        img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[j])
        img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
        img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
        for k in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
            img_input_array[k] = float(img_input_array[k]) / float(255)

        # Add noise to input image
        img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

        # Get output image
        img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[j])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Make both images have 1 row, many columns
        img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

        # Train the network
        img_td =,, img_output_array)
        ann.train(img_td, | |

# For each file
for i in range(0, len(filenames)):

    # Read  image from file
    img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[i])
    img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
    img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

    # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
    for j in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        img_input_array[j] = float(img_input_array[j]) / float(255)

    # Add noise to input image
    img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

    # Make input image have 1 row, many columns
    img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])

    # Ask the network to classify the image

I have written a code that takes a file list and trains the neural network:

import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import random

def add_noise(img_input_array, scale):
    for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        noise = float(random.randint(0, 255))   
        noise = noise / 255.0
        img_input_array[i] = (img_input_array[i] + noise*scale) / (1.0 + scale)

        if img_input_array[i] < 0.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 0.0

        if img_input_array[i] > 1.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 1.0

    return img_input_array

# A function that takes an integer and gives the bit numpy array
def get_bits_for_int(src_min_bits, src_number):
    bits = bin(src_number)[2:]

    a = np.array([])

    for i in range(0, len(bits)):
        a = np.append(a, float(bits[i]))

    num_bits = len(a)
    needed_bits = 0

    if num_bits < src_min_bits:
        needed_bits = src_min_bits - num_bits

    for i in range(0, needed_bits):
        a = np.insert(a, 0, 0.0)

    return a

# Read file list
file = open("files.txt", "r") 

filenames = []
classifications = []

for line in file:
    filenames.append(line.split(" ")[0])
    classifications.append(int(line.split(" ")[1]))

# Get the maximum classification number
max_class = 0

for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
    if classifications[i] > max_class:
        max_class = classifications[i]

num_classes = max_class + 1

# Get minimum number of bits needed to encode num_classes distinct classes
num_bits_needed = math.ceil(math.log(num_classes)/math.log(2.0))

# Get image and ANN parameters
sample_img = cv2.imread(filenames[0])

img_rows = sample_img.shape[0]
img_cols = sample_img.shape[1]
channels_per_pixel = 3

num_input_neurons = int(img_rows*img_cols*channels_per_pixel)
num_output_neurons = int(num_bits_needed)
num_hidden_neurons = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(num_input_neurons*num_output_neurons)))

ann =
ann.setLayerSizes(np.array([num_input_neurons, num_hidden_neurons, num_output_neurons], dtype=np.int64))
ann.setTermCriteria((cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 1, 0.000001 ))
ann.setTrainMethod(, 0.001)

# Read image from file
img_input_array = sample_img.flatten()
img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

# Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
    img_input_array[i] = float(img_input_array[i]) / float(255)

# Get output image
img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

# Make both images have 1 row, many columns
img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

# Train the network
img_td =,, img_output_array)
ann.train(img_td, |

# For each training iteration
for i in range(0, 1000):

    # For each file
    for j in range(0, len(filenames)):

        # Read image from file
        img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[j])
        img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
        img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
        for k in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
            img_input_array[k] = float(img_input_array[k]) / float(255)

        # Add noise to input image
        img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

        # Get output image
        img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[j])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Make both images have 1 row, many columns
        img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

        # Train the network
        img_td =,, img_output_array)
        ann.train(img_td, | |

# For each file
for i in range(0, len(filenames)):

    # Read  image from file
    img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[i])
    img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
    img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

    # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
    for j in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        img_input_array[j] = float(img_input_array[j]) / float(255)

    # Add noise to input image
    img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

    # Make input image have 1 row, many columns
    img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])

    # Ask the network to classify the image

I have written a code that takes a file list and trains the neural network:

import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import random

def add_noise(img_input_array, scale):
    for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        noise = float(random.randint(0, 255))   
        noise = noise / 255.0
        img_input_array[i] = (img_input_array[i] + noise*scale) / (1.0 + scale)

        if img_input_array[i] < 0.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 0.0

        if img_input_array[i] > 1.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 1.0

    return img_input_array

# A function that takes an integer and gives the bit numpy array
def get_bits_for_int(src_min_bits, src_number):
    bits = bin(src_number)[2:]

    a = np.array([])

    for i in range(0, len(bits)):
        a = np.append(a, float(bits[i]))

    num_bits = len(a)
    needed_bits = 0

    if num_bits < src_min_bits:
        needed_bits = src_min_bits - num_bits

    for i in range(0, needed_bits):
        a = np.insert(a, 0, 0.0)

    return a

# Read file list
file = open("files.txt", "r") 

filenames = []
classifications = []

for line in file:
    filenames.append(line.split(" ")[0])
    classifications.append(int(line.split(" ")[1]))

# Get the maximum classification number
max_class = 0

for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
    if classifications[i] > max_class:
        max_class = classifications[i]

num_classes = max_class + 1

# Get minimum number of bits needed to encode num_classes distinct classes
num_bits_needed = math.ceil(math.log(num_classes)/math.log(2.0))

# Get image and ANN parameters
sample_img = cv2.imread(filenames[0])

img_rows = sample_img.shape[0]
img_cols = sample_img.shape[1]
channels_per_pixel = 3

num_input_neurons = int(img_rows*img_cols*channels_per_pixel)
num_output_neurons = int(num_bits_needed)
num_hidden_neurons = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(num_input_neurons*num_output_neurons)))

ann =
ann.setLayerSizes(np.array([num_input_neurons, num_hidden_neurons, num_output_neurons], dtype=np.int64))
ann.setTermCriteria((cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 1, 0.000001 ))
ann.setTrainMethod(, 0.001)

# Read image from file
img_input_array = sample_img.flatten()
img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

# Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
    img_input_array[i] = float(img_input_array[i]) / float(255)

# Get output image
img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

# Make both images have 1 row, many columns
img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

# Train the network
img_td =,, img_output_array)
ann.train(img_td, |

# For each training iteration
for i in range(0, 1000):

    # For each file
    for j in range(0, len(filenames)):

        # Read image from file
        img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[j])
        img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
        img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
        for k in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
            img_input_array[k] = float(img_input_array[k]) / float(255)

        # Add noise to input image
        img_input_array #img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

        # Get output image
        img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[j])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Make both images have 1 row, many columns
        img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

        # Train the network
        img_td =,, img_output_array)
        ann.train(img_td, | |

# For each file
for i in range(0, len(filenames)):

    # Read  image from file
    img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[i])
    img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
    img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

    # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
    for j in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        img_input_array[j] = float(img_input_array[j]) / float(255)

    # Add noise to input image
    img_input_array #img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

    # Make input image have 1 row, many columns
    img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])

    # Ask the network to classify the image

I have written a code that takes a file list and trains the neural network:network. Be careful when changing any of the network initialization parameters -- it's like voodoo magic.

import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import random

def add_noise(img_input_array, scale):
    for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        noise = float(random.randint(0, 255))   
        noise = noise / 255.0
        img_input_array[i] = (img_input_array[i] + noise*scale) / (1.0 + scale)

        if img_input_array[i] < 0.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 0.0

        if img_input_array[i] > 1.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 1.0

    return img_input_array

# A function that takes an integer and gives the bit numpy array
def get_bits_for_int(src_min_bits, src_number):
    bits = bin(src_number)[2:]

    a = np.array([])

    for i in range(0, len(bits)):
        a = np.append(a, float(bits[i]))

    num_bits = len(a)
    needed_bits = 0

    if num_bits < src_min_bits:
        needed_bits = src_min_bits - num_bits

    for i in range(0, needed_bits):
        a = np.insert(a, 0, 0.0)

    return a

# Read file list
file = open("files.txt", "r") 

filenames = []
classifications = []

for line in file:
    filenames.append(line.split(" ")[0])
    classifications.append(int(line.split(" ")[1]))

# Get the maximum classification number
max_class = 0

for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
    if classifications[i] > max_class:
        max_class = classifications[i]

num_classes = max_class + 1

# Get minimum number of bits needed to encode num_classes distinct classes
num_bits_needed = math.ceil(math.log(num_classes)/math.log(2.0))

# Get image and ANN parameters
sample_img = cv2.imread(filenames[0])

img_rows = sample_img.shape[0]
img_cols = sample_img.shape[1]
channels_per_pixel = 3

num_input_neurons = int(img_rows*img_cols*channels_per_pixel)
num_output_neurons = int(num_bits_needed)
num_hidden_neurons = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(num_input_neurons*num_output_neurons)))

ann =
ann.setLayerSizes(np.array([num_input_neurons, num_hidden_neurons, num_output_neurons], dtype=np.int64))
ann.setTermCriteria((cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 1, 0.000001 ))
ann.setTrainMethod(, 0.001)

# Read image from file
img_input_array = sample_img.flatten()
img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

# Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
    img_input_array[i] = float(img_input_array[i]) / float(255)

# Get output image
img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

# Make both images have 1 row, many columns
img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

# Train the network
img_td =,, img_output_array)
ann.train(img_td, |

# For each training iteration
for i in range(0, 1000):

    # For each file
    for j in range(0, len(filenames)):

        # Read image from file
        img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[j])
        img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
        img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
        for k in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
            img_input_array[k] = float(img_input_array[k]) / float(255)

        # Add noise to input image
        #img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

        # Get output image
        img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[j])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Make both images have 1 row, many columns
        img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

        # Train the network
        img_td =,, img_output_array)
        ann.train(img_td, | |

# For each file
for i in range(0, len(filenames)):

    # Read  image from file
    img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[i])
    img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
    img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

    # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
    for j in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        img_input_array[j] = float(img_input_array[j]) / float(255)

    # Add noise to input image
    #img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

    # Make input image have 1 row, many columns
    img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])

    # Ask the network to classify the image

I have written a code that takes a file list and trains the neural network. Be careful when changing any of the network initialization parameters -- it's like voodoo magic.

Here is the file list format, where the filename comes first, followed by the class number:

dove.png 0
flowers.png 1
peacock.png 2
statue.png 3

Here is the code:

import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import random

def add_noise(img_input_array, scale):
    for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        noise = float(random.randint(0, 255))   
        noise = noise / 255.0
        img_input_array[i] = (img_input_array[i] + noise*scale) / (1.0 + scale)

        if img_input_array[i] < 0.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 0.0

        if img_input_array[i] > 1.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 1.0

    return img_input_array

# A function that takes an integer and gives the bit numpy array
def get_bits_for_int(src_min_bits, src_number):
    bits = bin(src_number)[2:]

    a = np.array([])

    for i in range(0, len(bits)):
        a = np.append(a, float(bits[i]))

    num_bits = len(a)
    needed_bits = 0

    if num_bits < src_min_bits:
        needed_bits = src_min_bits - num_bits

    for i in range(0, needed_bits):
        a = np.insert(a, 0, 0.0)

    return a

# Read file list
file = open("files.txt", "r") 

filenames = []
classifications = []

for line in file:
    filenames.append(line.split(" ")[0])
    classifications.append(int(line.split(" ")[1]))

# Get the maximum classification number
max_class = 0

for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
    if classifications[i] > max_class:
        max_class = classifications[i]

num_classes = max_class + 1

# Get minimum number of bits needed to encode num_classes distinct classes
num_bits_needed = math.ceil(math.log(num_classes)/math.log(2.0))

# Get image and ANN parameters
sample_img = cv2.imread(filenames[0])

img_rows = sample_img.shape[0]
img_cols = sample_img.shape[1]
channels_per_pixel = 3

num_input_neurons = int(img_rows*img_cols*channels_per_pixel)
num_output_neurons = int(num_bits_needed)
num_hidden_neurons = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(num_input_neurons*num_output_neurons)))

ann =
ann.setLayerSizes(np.array([num_input_neurons, num_hidden_neurons, num_output_neurons], dtype=np.int64))
ann.setTermCriteria((cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 1, 0.000001 ))
ann.setTrainMethod(, 0.001)

# Read image from file
img_input_array = sample_img.flatten()
img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

# Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
    img_input_array[i] = float(img_input_array[i]) / float(255)

# Get output image
img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

# Make both images have 1 row, many columns
img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

# Train the network
img_td =,, img_output_array)
ann.train(img_td, |

# For each training iteration
for i in range(0, 1000):

    # For each file
    for j in range(0, len(filenames)):

        # Read image from file
        img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[j])
        img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
        img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
        for k in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
            img_input_array[k] = float(img_input_array[k]) / float(255)

        # Add noise to input image
        #img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

        # Get output image
        img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[j])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Make both images have 1 row, many columns
        img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

        # Train the network
        img_td =,, img_output_array)
        ann.train(img_td, | |

# For each file
for i in range(0, len(filenames)):

    # Read  image from file
    img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[i])
    img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
    img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

    # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
    for j in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        img_input_array[j] = float(img_input_array[j]) / float(255)

    # Add noise to input image
    #img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

    # Make input image have 1 row, many columns
    img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])

    # Ask the network to classify the image

I have written a code that takes a file list and trains the neural network. Be careful when changing any of the network initialization parameters -- it's like voodoo magic.

Here is the file list format, where the filename comes first, followed by the class number:

dove.png 0
flowers.png 1
peacock.png 2
statue.png 3

I recommend that you create such a file yourself, and then pseudorandomly shuffle the file list.

Here is the code:

import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import random

def add_noise(img_input_array, scale):
    for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        noise = float(random.randint(0, 255))   
        noise = noise / 255.0
        img_input_array[i] = (img_input_array[i] + noise*scale) / (1.0 + scale)

        if img_input_array[i] < 0.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 0.0

        if img_input_array[i] > 1.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 1.0

    return img_input_array

# A function that takes an integer and gives the bit numpy array
def get_bits_for_int(src_min_bits, src_number):
    bits = bin(src_number)[2:]

    a = np.array([])

    for i in range(0, len(bits)):
        a = np.append(a, float(bits[i]))

    num_bits = len(a)
    needed_bits = 0

    if num_bits < src_min_bits:
        needed_bits = src_min_bits - num_bits

    for i in range(0, needed_bits):
        a = np.insert(a, 0, 0.0)

    return a

# Read file list
file = open("files.txt", "r") 

filenames = []
classifications = []

for line in file:
    filenames.append(line.split(" ")[0])
    classifications.append(int(line.split(" ")[1]))

# Get the maximum classification number
max_class = 0

for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
    if classifications[i] > max_class:
        max_class = classifications[i]

num_classes = max_class + 1

# Get minimum number of bits needed to encode num_classes distinct classes
num_bits_needed = math.ceil(math.log(num_classes)/math.log(2.0))

# Get image and ANN parameters
sample_img = cv2.imread(filenames[0])

img_rows = sample_img.shape[0]
img_cols = sample_img.shape[1]
channels_per_pixel = 3

num_input_neurons = int(img_rows*img_cols*channels_per_pixel)
num_output_neurons = int(num_bits_needed)
num_hidden_neurons = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(num_input_neurons*num_output_neurons)))

ann =
ann.setLayerSizes(np.array([num_input_neurons, num_hidden_neurons, num_output_neurons], dtype=np.int64))
ann.setTermCriteria((cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 1, 0.000001 ))
ann.setTrainMethod(, 0.001)

# Read image from file
img_input_array = sample_img.flatten()
img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

# Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
    img_input_array[i] = float(img_input_array[i]) / float(255)

# Get output image
img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

# Make both images have 1 row, many columns
img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

# Train the network
img_td =,, img_output_array)
ann.train(img_td, |

# For each training iteration
for i in range(0, 1000):

    # For each file
    for j in range(0, len(filenames)):

        # Read image from file
        img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[j])
        img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
        img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
        for k in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
            img_input_array[k] = float(img_input_array[k]) / float(255)

        # Add noise to input image
        #img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

        # Get output image
        img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[j])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Make both images have 1 row, many columns
        img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

        # Train the network
        img_td =,, img_output_array)
        ann.train(img_td, | |

# For each file
for i in range(0, len(filenames)):

    # Read  image from file
    img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[i])
    img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
    img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

    # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
    for j in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        img_input_array[j] = float(img_input_array[j]) / float(255)

    # Add noise to input image
    #img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

    # Make input image have 1 row, many columns
    img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])

    # Ask the network to classify the image

I have written a code that takes a file list and trains the neural network. Be careful when changing any of the network initialization parameters -- it's like voodoo magic.

Here are the files: image description image description image description image description

Here is the file list format, where the filename comes first, followed by the class number:

dove.png 0
flowers.png 1
peacock.png 2
statue.png 3

I recommend that you create such a file yourself, and then pseudorandomly shuffle the file list.

Here is the code:

import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import random

def add_noise(img_input_array, scale):
    for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        noise = float(random.randint(0, 255))   
        noise = noise / 255.0
        img_input_array[i] = (img_input_array[i] + noise*scale) / (1.0 + scale)

        if img_input_array[i] < 0.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 0.0

        if img_input_array[i] > 1.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 1.0

    return img_input_array

# A function that takes an integer and gives the bit numpy array
def get_bits_for_int(src_min_bits, src_number):
    bits = bin(src_number)[2:]

    a = np.array([])

    for i in range(0, len(bits)):
        a = np.append(a, float(bits[i]))

    num_bits = len(a)
    needed_bits = 0

    if num_bits < src_min_bits:
        needed_bits = src_min_bits - num_bits

    for i in range(0, needed_bits):
        a = np.insert(a, 0, 0.0)

    return a

# Read file list
file = open("files.txt", "r") 

filenames = []
classifications = []

for line in file:
    filenames.append(line.split(" ")[0])
    classifications.append(int(line.split(" ")[1]))

# Get the maximum classification number
max_class = 0

for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
    if classifications[i] > max_class:
        max_class = classifications[i]

num_classes = max_class + 1

# Get minimum number of bits needed to encode num_classes distinct classes
num_bits_needed = math.ceil(math.log(num_classes)/math.log(2.0))

# Get image and ANN parameters
sample_img = cv2.imread(filenames[0])

img_rows = sample_img.shape[0]
img_cols = sample_img.shape[1]
channels_per_pixel = 3

num_input_neurons = int(img_rows*img_cols*channels_per_pixel)
num_output_neurons = int(num_bits_needed)
num_hidden_neurons = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(num_input_neurons*num_output_neurons)))

ann =
ann.setLayerSizes(np.array([num_input_neurons, num_hidden_neurons, num_output_neurons], dtype=np.int64))
ann.setTermCriteria((cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 1, 0.000001 ))
ann.setTrainMethod(, 0.001)

# Read image from file
img_input_array = sample_img.flatten()
img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

# Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
    img_input_array[i] = float(img_input_array[i]) / float(255)

# Get output image
img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

# Make both images have 1 row, many columns
img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

# Train the network
img_td =,, img_output_array)
ann.train(img_td, |

# For each training iteration
for i in range(0, 1000):

    # For each file
    for j in range(0, len(filenames)):

        # Read image from file
        img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[j])
        img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
        img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
        for k in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
            img_input_array[k] = float(img_input_array[k]) / float(255)

        # Add noise to input image
        #img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

        # Get output image
        img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[j])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Make both images have 1 row, many columns
        img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

        # Train the network
        img_td =,, img_output_array)
        ann.train(img_td, | |

# For each file
for i in range(0, len(filenames)):

    # Read  image from file
    img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[i])
    img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
    img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

    # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
    for j in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        img_input_array[j] = float(img_input_array[j]) / float(255)

    # Add noise to input image
    #img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

    # Make input image have 1 row, many columns
    img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])

    # Ask the network to classify the image

I have written a code that takes a file list and trains the neural network. Be careful when changing any of the network initialization parameters -- it's like voodoo magic.

Here are the files: image description image description image description image description

Here is the file list format, where the filename comes first, followed by the class number:

dove.png 0
flowers.png 1
peacock.png 2
statue.png 3

I recommend that you create such a file yourself, and then pseudorandomly shuffle the file list.

It would be way faster in C++.

Here is the code:

import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import random

def add_noise(img_input_array, scale):
    for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        noise = float(random.randint(0, 255))   
        noise = noise / 255.0
        img_input_array[i] = (img_input_array[i] + noise*scale) / (1.0 + scale)

        if img_input_array[i] < 0.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 0.0

        if img_input_array[i] > 1.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 1.0

    return img_input_array

# A function that takes an integer and gives the bit numpy array
def get_bits_for_int(src_min_bits, src_number):
    bits = bin(src_number)[2:]

    a = np.array([])

    for i in range(0, len(bits)):
        a = np.append(a, float(bits[i]))

    num_bits = len(a)
    needed_bits = 0

    if num_bits < src_min_bits:
        needed_bits = src_min_bits - num_bits

    for i in range(0, needed_bits):
        a = np.insert(a, 0, 0.0)

    return a

# Read file list
file = open("files.txt", "r") 

filenames = []
classifications = []

for line in file:
    filenames.append(line.split(" ")[0])
    classifications.append(int(line.split(" ")[1]))

# Get the maximum classification number
max_class = 0

for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
    if classifications[i] > max_class:
        max_class = classifications[i]

num_classes = max_class + 1

# Get minimum number of bits needed to encode num_classes distinct classes
num_bits_needed = math.ceil(math.log(num_classes)/math.log(2.0))

# Get image and ANN parameters
sample_img = cv2.imread(filenames[0])

img_rows = sample_img.shape[0]
img_cols = sample_img.shape[1]
channels_per_pixel = 3

num_input_neurons = int(img_rows*img_cols*channels_per_pixel)
num_output_neurons = int(num_bits_needed)
num_hidden_neurons = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(num_input_neurons*num_output_neurons)))

ann =
ann.setLayerSizes(np.array([num_input_neurons, num_hidden_neurons, num_output_neurons], dtype=np.int64))
ann.setTermCriteria((cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 1, 0.000001 ))
ann.setTrainMethod(, 0.001)

# Read image from file
img_input_array = sample_img.flatten()
img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

# Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
    img_input_array[i] = float(img_input_array[i]) / float(255)

# Get output image
img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

# Make both images have 1 row, many columns
img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

# Train the network
img_td =,, img_output_array)
ann.train(img_td, |

# For each training iteration
for i in range(0, 1000):

    # For each file
    for j in range(0, len(filenames)):

        # Read image from file
        img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[j])
        img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
        img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
        for k in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
            img_input_array[k] = float(img_input_array[k]) / float(255)

        # Add noise to input image
        #img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

        # Get output image
        img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[j])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Make both images have 1 row, many columns
        img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

        # Train the network
        img_td =,, img_output_array)
        ann.train(img_td, | |

# For each file
for i in range(0, len(filenames)):

    # Read  image from file
    img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[i])
    img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
    img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

    # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
    for j in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        img_input_array[j] = float(img_input_array[j]) / float(255)

    # Add noise to input image
    #img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

    # Make input image have 1 row, many columns
    img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])

    # Ask the network to classify the image

I have written a code that takes a file list and trains the neural network. Be careful when changing any of the network initialization parameters -- it's like voodoo magic.

Here are the files: image description image description image description image description

Here is the file list format, where the filename comes first, followed by the class number:

dove.png 0
flowers.png 1
peacock.png 2
statue.png 3

I recommend that you create such a file yourself, and then pseudorandomly shuffle the file list.

It would be way faster in C++.Here is the code to generate the file list:

import os

file = open("meta/classes.txt", "r") 

classifications = []

for line in file:
    classification_string = line.split("\n")[0]

rootDir = "Images/"
for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(rootDir):
    classification_string = dirName.split("/")[1]
    classification_string = classification_string.split("\n")[0]

    class_id = 0

    for i in range(0, len(classifications)):

        if(classifications[i] == classification_string):
            class_id = i

    for fname in fileList:
        print("%s%s %s" % (dirName, fname, class_id))

Here is the main code:

import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import random
def add_noise(img_input_array, scale):
    for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        noise = float(random.randint(0, 255))   
        noise = noise / 255.0
        img_input_array[i] = (img_input_array[i] + noise*scale) / (1.0 + scale)

        if img_input_array[i] < 0.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 0.0

        if img_input_array[i] > 1.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 1.0

    return img_input_array

# A function that takes an integer and gives the bit numpy array
def get_bits_for_int(src_min_bits, src_number):
    bits = bin(src_number)[2:]

    a = np.array([])

    for i in range(0, len(bits)):
        a = np.append(a, float(bits[i]))

    num_bits = len(a)
    needed_bits = 0

    if num_bits < src_min_bits:
        needed_bits = src_min_bits - num_bits

    for i in range(0, needed_bits):
        a = np.insert(a, 0, 0.0)

    return a

# Read file list
file = open("files.txt", "r") 

filenames = []
classifications = []

for line in file:
    filenames.append(line.split(" ")[0])
    classifications.append(int(line.split(" ")[1]))

# Get the maximum classification number
max_class = 0

for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
    if classifications[i] > max_class:
        max_class = classifications[i]

num_classes = max_class + 1

# Get minimum number of bits needed to encode num_classes distinct classes
num_bits_needed = math.ceil(math.log(num_classes)/math.log(2.0))

# Get image and ANN parameters
sample_img = cv2.imread(filenames[0])

img_rows = sample_img.shape[0]
img_cols = sample_img.shape[1]
channels_per_pixel = 3

num_input_neurons = int(img_rows*img_cols*channels_per_pixel)
num_output_neurons = int(num_bits_needed)
num_hidden_neurons = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(num_input_neurons*num_output_neurons)))

ann =
ann.setLayerSizes(np.array([num_input_neurons, num_hidden_neurons, num_output_neurons], dtype=np.int64))
ann.setTermCriteria((cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 1, 0.000001 ))
ann.setTrainMethod(, 0.001)

# Read image from file
img_input_array = sample_img.flatten()
img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

# Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
    img_input_array[i] = float(img_input_array[i]) / float(255)

# Get output image
img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

# Make both images have 1 row, many columns
img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

# Train the network
img_td =,, img_output_array)
ann.train(img_td, |

# For each training iteration
for i in range(0, 1000):

    # For each file
    for j in range(0, len(filenames)):

        # Read image from file
        img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[j])
        img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
        img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
        for k in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
            img_input_array[k] = float(img_input_array[k]) / float(255)

        # Add noise to input image
        #img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

        # Get output image
        img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[j])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Make both images have 1 row, many columns
        img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

        # Train the network
        img_td =,, img_output_array)
        ann.train(img_td, | |

# For each file
for i in range(0, len(filenames)):

    # Read  image from file
    img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[i])
    img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
    img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

    # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
    for j in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        img_input_array[j] = float(img_input_array[j]) / float(255)

    # Add noise to input image
    #img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

    # Make input image have 1 row, many columns
    img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])

    # Ask the network to classify the image

I have written a code that takes a file list and trains the neural network. Be careful when changing any of the network initialization parameters -- it's like voodoo magic.

Here are the files: image description image description image description image description

Here is the file list format, where the filename comes first, followed by the class number:

dove.png 0
flowers.png 1
peacock.png 2
statue.png 3

I recommend that you create such a file yourself, and then pseudorandomly shuffle the file list.

Here is the code to generate the file list:


import os

file = open("meta/classes.txt", "r") 

classifications = []

for line in file:
    classification_string = line.split("\n")[0]

rootDir = "Images/"
rootDir = rootDir + "\\Images\\"
for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(rootDir):

    s = dirName.split("\\");
    classification_string = dirName.split("/")[1]
s[len(s) - 1]
    classification_string = classification_string.split("\n")[0]

    class_id = 0

    for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
         if(classifications[i] == classification_string):
            class_id = i

    for fname in fileList:
        print("%s%s print("%s\\%s %s" % (dirName, fname, class_id))

Here is the main code:

import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import random

def add_noise(img_input_array, scale):
    for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        noise = float(random.randint(0, 255))   
        noise = noise / 255.0
        img_input_array[i] = (img_input_array[i] + noise*scale) / (1.0 + scale)

        if img_input_array[i] < 0.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 0.0

        if img_input_array[i] > 1.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 1.0

    return img_input_array

# A function that takes an integer and gives the bit numpy array
def get_bits_for_int(src_min_bits, src_number):
    bits = bin(src_number)[2:]

    a = np.array([])

    for i in range(0, len(bits)):
        a = np.append(a, float(bits[i]))

    num_bits = len(a)
    needed_bits = 0

    if num_bits < src_min_bits:
        needed_bits = src_min_bits - num_bits

    for i in range(0, needed_bits):
        a = np.insert(a, 0, 0.0)

    return a

# Read file list
file = open("files.txt", "r") 

filenames = []
classifications = []

for line in file:
    filenames.append(line.split(" ")[0])
    classifications.append(int(line.split(" ")[1]))

# Get the maximum classification number
max_class = 0

for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
    if classifications[i] > max_class:
        max_class = classifications[i]

num_classes = max_class + 1

# Get minimum number of bits needed to encode num_classes distinct classes
num_bits_needed = math.ceil(math.log(num_classes)/math.log(2.0))

# Get image and ANN parameters
sample_img = cv2.imread(filenames[0])

img_rows = sample_img.shape[0]
img_cols = sample_img.shape[1]
channels_per_pixel = 3

num_input_neurons = int(img_rows*img_cols*channels_per_pixel)
num_output_neurons = int(num_bits_needed)
num_hidden_neurons = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(num_input_neurons*num_output_neurons)))

ann =
ann.setLayerSizes(np.array([num_input_neurons, num_hidden_neurons, num_output_neurons], dtype=np.int64))
ann.setTermCriteria((cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 1, 0.000001 ))
ann.setTrainMethod(, 0.001)

# Read image from file
img_input_array = sample_img.flatten()
img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

# Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
    img_input_array[i] = float(img_input_array[i]) / float(255)

# Get output image
img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

# Make both images have 1 row, many columns
img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

# Train the network
img_td =,, img_output_array)
ann.train(img_td, |

# For each training iteration
for i in range(0, 1000):

    # For each file
    for j in range(0, len(filenames)):

        # Read image from file
        img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[j])
        img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
        img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
        for k in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
            img_input_array[k] = float(img_input_array[k]) / float(255)

        # Add noise to input image
        #img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

        # Get output image
        img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[j])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Make both images have 1 row, many columns
        img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

        # Train the network
        img_td =,, img_output_array)
        ann.train(img_td, | |

# For each file
for i in range(0, len(filenames)):

    # Read  image from file
    img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[i])
    img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
    img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

    # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
    for j in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        img_input_array[j] = float(img_input_array[j]) / float(255)

    # Add noise to input image
    #img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

    # Make input image have 1 row, many columns
    img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])

    # Ask the network to classify the image

I have written a code that takes a file list and trains the neural network. Be careful when changing any of the network initialization parameters -- it's like voodoo magic.

Here are the files: image description image description image description image description

Here is the file list format, where the filename comes first, followed by the class number:

dove.png 0
flowers.png 1
peacock.png 2
statue.png 3

I recommend that you create such a file yourself, and then pseudorandomly shuffle the file list.

Here is the code to generate the file list:


import os

file = open("meta/classes.txt", "r") 

classifications = []

for line in file:
    classification_string = line.split("\n")[0]

rootDir = os.getcwd()
rootDir = rootDir + "\\Images\\"
for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(rootDir):

    s = dirName.split("\\");
    classification_string = s[len(s) - 1]
    classification_string = classification_string.split("\n")[0]

    class_id = 0

    for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
        if(classifications[i] == classification_string):            
            class_id = i

    for fname in fileList:
        print("%s\\%s %s" % (dirName, fname, class_id))

Here is the main code:

import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import random

 def add_noise(img_input_array, scale):
    for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        noise = float(random.randint(0, 255))   
        noise = noise / 255.0
        img_input_array[i] = (img_input_array[i] + noise*scale) / (1.0 + scale)

        if img_input_array[i] < 0.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 0.0

        if img_input_array[i] > 1.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 1.0

    return img_input_array

# A function that takes an integer and gives the bit numpy array
def get_bits_for_int(src_min_bits, src_number):
    bits = bin(src_number)[2:]

    a = np.array([])

    for i in range(0, len(bits)):
        a = np.append(a, float(bits[i]))

    num_bits = len(a)
    needed_bits = 0

    if num_bits < src_min_bits:
        needed_bits = src_min_bits - num_bits

    for i in range(0, needed_bits):
        a = np.insert(a, 0, 0.0)

    return a

# Read file list
file = open("files.txt", "r") 

filenames = []
classifications = []

for line in file:
    filenames.append(line.split(" ")[0])
    classifications.append(int(line.split(" ")[1]))

# Get the maximum classification number
max_class = 0

for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
    if classifications[i] > max_class:
        max_class = classifications[i]

num_classes = max_class + 1

# Get minimum number of bits needed to encode num_classes distinct classes
num_bits_needed = math.ceil(math.log(num_classes)/math.log(2.0))

# Get image and ANN parameters
sample_img = cv2.imread(filenames[0])
sample_img = cv2.resize(sample_img, (64, 64))

img_rows = sample_img.shape[0]
img_cols = sample_img.shape[1]
channels_per_pixel = 3

num_input_neurons = int(img_rows*img_cols*channels_per_pixel)
num_output_neurons = int(num_bits_needed)
num_hidden_neurons = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(num_input_neurons*num_output_neurons)))

ann =
ann.setLayerSizes(np.array([num_input_neurons, num_hidden_neurons, num_output_neurons], dtype=np.int64))
ann.setTermCriteria((cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 1, 0.000001 ))
ann.setTrainMethod(, 0.001)

# Read image from file
img_input_array = sample_img.flatten()
img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

# Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
    img_input_array[i] = float(img_input_array[i]) / float(255)

# Get output image
img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

# Make both images have 1 row, many columns
img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

# Train the network
img_td =,, img_output_array)
ann.train(img_td, |

# For each training iteration
for i in range(0, 1000):

    # For each file
    for j in range(0, len(filenames)):


        # Read image from file
        img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[j])
        img_input_array = cv2.resize(img_input_array, (64, 64))
        img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
        img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
        for k in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
            img_input_array[k] = float(img_input_array[k]) / float(255)

        # Add noise to input image
        #img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

        # Get output image
        img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[j])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Make both images have 1 row, many columns
        img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

        # Train the network
        img_td =,, img_output_array)
        ann.train(img_td, | |

# For each file
for i in range(0, len(filenames)):

    # Read  image from file
    img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[i])
    img_input_array = cv2.resize(img_input_array, (64, 64)) 
    img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
    img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

    # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
    for j in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        img_input_array[j] = float(img_input_array[j]) / float(255)

    # Add noise to input image
    #img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

    # Make input image have 1 row, many columns
    img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])

    # Ask the network to classify the image

I have written a code that takes a file list and trains the neural network. Be careful when changing any of the network initialization parameters -- it's like voodoo magic.

Here are the files: image description image description image description image description

Here is the file list format, where the filename comes first, followed by the class number:

dove.png 0
flowers.png 1
peacock.png 2
statue.png 3

I recommend that you create such a file yourself, and then pseudorandomly shuffle the file list.

Here is the code to generate the file list:


import os

file = open("meta/classes.txt", "r") 

classifications = []

for line in file:
    classification_string = line.split("\n")[0]

rootDir = os.getcwd()
rootDir = rootDir + "\\Images\\"
for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(rootDir):

    s = dirName.split("\\");
    classification_string = s[len(s) - 1]
    classification_string = classification_string.split("\n")[0]

    class_id = 0

    for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
        if(classifications[i] == classification_string):            
            class_id = i

    for fname in fileList:
        print("%s\\%s %s" % (dirName, fname, class_id))

Here is the main code:code, that reads in the file list:

import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import random

def add_noise(img_input_array, scale):
    for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        noise = float(random.randint(0, 255))   
        noise = noise / 255.0
        img_input_array[i] = (img_input_array[i] + noise*scale) / (1.0 + scale)

        if img_input_array[i] < 0.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 0.0

        if img_input_array[i] > 1.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 1.0

    return img_input_array

# A function that takes an integer and gives the bit numpy array
def get_bits_for_int(src_min_bits, src_number):
    bits = bin(src_number)[2:]

    a = np.array([])

    for i in range(0, len(bits)):
        a = np.append(a, float(bits[i]))

    num_bits = len(a)
    needed_bits = 0

    if num_bits < src_min_bits:
        needed_bits = src_min_bits - num_bits

    for i in range(0, needed_bits):
        a = np.insert(a, 0, 0.0)

    return a

# Read file list
file = open("files.txt", "r") 

filenames = []
classifications = []

for line in file:
    filenames.append(line.split(" ")[0])
    classifications.append(int(line.split(" ")[1]))

# Get the maximum classification number
max_class = 0

for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
    if classifications[i] > max_class:
        max_class = classifications[i]

num_classes = max_class + 1

# Get minimum number of bits needed to encode num_classes distinct classes
num_bits_needed = math.ceil(math.log(num_classes)/math.log(2.0))

# Get image and ANN parameters
sample_img = cv2.imread(filenames[0])
sample_img = cv2.resize(sample_img, (64, 64))

img_rows = sample_img.shape[0]
img_cols = sample_img.shape[1]
channels_per_pixel = 3

num_input_neurons = int(img_rows*img_cols*channels_per_pixel)
num_output_neurons = int(num_bits_needed)
num_hidden_neurons = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(num_input_neurons*num_output_neurons)))

ann =
ann.setLayerSizes(np.array([num_input_neurons, num_hidden_neurons, num_output_neurons], dtype=np.int64))
ann.setTermCriteria((cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 1, 0.000001 ))
ann.setTrainMethod(, 0.001)

# Read image from file
img_input_array = sample_img.flatten()
img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

# Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
    img_input_array[i] = float(img_input_array[i]) / float(255)

# Get output image
img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

# Make both images have 1 row, many columns
img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

# Train the network
img_td =,, img_output_array)
ann.train(img_td, |

# For each training iteration
for i in range(0, 1000):

    # For each file
    for j in range(0, len(filenames)):


        # Read image from file
        img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[j])
        img_input_array = cv2.resize(img_input_array, (64, 64))
        img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
        img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
        for k in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
            img_input_array[k] = float(img_input_array[k]) / float(255)

        # Add noise to input image
        #img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

        # Get output image
        img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[j])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Make both images have 1 row, many columns
        img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

        # Train the network
        img_td =,, img_output_array)
        ann.train(img_td, | |

# For each file
for i in range(0, len(filenames)):

    # Read  image from file
    img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[i])
    img_input_array = cv2.resize(img_input_array, (64, 64)) 
    img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
    img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

    # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
    for j in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        img_input_array[j] = float(img_input_array[j]) / float(255)

    # Add noise to input image
    #img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

    # Make input image have 1 row, many columns
    img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])

    # Ask the network to classify the image

I have written a code that takes a file list and trains the neural network. Be careful when changing any of the network initialization parameters -- it's like voodoo magic.

Here is the code to generate the file list:


import os

file = open("meta/classes.txt", "r") 

classifications = []

for line in file:
    classification_string = line.split("\n")[0]

rootDir #rootDir = os.getcwd()
rootDir = rootDir + "\\Images\\"
for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(rootDir):

    s = dirName.split("\\");
    classification_string = s[len(s) - 1]
    classification_string = classification_string.split("\n")[0]

    class_id = 0

    for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
        if(classifications[i] == classification_string):            
            class_id = i

    for fname in fileList:
        print("%s\\%s %s" % (dirName, fname, class_id))

Here is the main code, that reads in the file list:

import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import random

def add_noise(img_input_array, scale):
    for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        noise = float(random.randint(0, 255))   
        noise = noise / 255.0
        img_input_array[i] = (img_input_array[i] + noise*scale) / (1.0 + scale)

        if img_input_array[i] < 0.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 0.0

        if img_input_array[i] > 1.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 1.0

    return img_input_array

# A function that takes an integer and gives the bit numpy array
def get_bits_for_int(src_min_bits, src_number):
    bits = bin(src_number)[2:]

    a = np.array([])

    for i in range(0, len(bits)):
        a = np.append(a, float(bits[i]))

    num_bits = len(a)
    needed_bits = 0

    if num_bits < src_min_bits:
        needed_bits = src_min_bits - num_bits

    for i in range(0, needed_bits):
        a = np.insert(a, 0, 0.0)

    return a

# Read file list
file = open("files.txt", "r") 

filenames = []
classifications = []

for line in file:
    filenames.append(line.split(" ")[0])
    classifications.append(int(line.split(" ")[1]))

# Get the maximum classification number
max_class = 0

for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
    if classifications[i] > max_class:
        max_class = classifications[i]

num_classes = max_class + 1

# Get minimum number of bits needed to encode num_classes distinct classes
num_bits_needed = math.ceil(math.log(num_classes)/math.log(2.0))

# Get image and ANN parameters
sample_img = cv2.imread(filenames[0])
sample_img = cv2.resize(sample_img, (64, 64))

img_rows = sample_img.shape[0]
img_cols = sample_img.shape[1]
channels_per_pixel = 3

num_input_neurons = int(img_rows*img_cols*channels_per_pixel)
num_output_neurons = int(num_bits_needed)
num_hidden_neurons = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(num_input_neurons*num_output_neurons)))

ann =
ann.setLayerSizes(np.array([num_input_neurons, num_hidden_neurons, num_output_neurons], dtype=np.int64))
ann.setTermCriteria((cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 1, 0.000001 ))
ann.setTrainMethod(, 0.001)

# Read image from file
img_input_array = sample_img.flatten()
img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

# Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
    img_input_array[i] = float(img_input_array[i]) / float(255)

# Get output image
img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

# Make both images have 1 row, many columns
img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

# Train the network
img_td =,, img_output_array)
ann.train(img_td, |

# For each training iteration
for i in range(0, 1000):

    # For each file
    for j in range(0, len(filenames)):


        # Read image from file
        img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[j])
        img_input_array = cv2.resize(img_input_array, (64, 64))
        img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
        img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
        for k in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
            img_input_array[k] = float(img_input_array[k]) / float(255)

        # Add noise to input image
        #img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

        # Get output image
        img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[j])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Make both images have 1 row, many columns
        img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

        # Train the network
        img_td =,, img_output_array)
        ann.train(img_td, | |

# For each file
for i in range(0, len(filenames)):

    # Read  image from file
    img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[i])
    img_input_array = cv2.resize(img_input_array, (64, 64)) 
    img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
    img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

    # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
    for j in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        img_input_array[j] = float(img_input_array[j]) / float(255)

    # Add noise to input image
    #img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

    # Make input image have 1 row, many columns
    img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])

    # Ask the network to classify the image

I have written a code that takes a file list and trains the neural network. Be careful when changing any of the network initialization parameters -- it's like voodoo magic.

Here is the code to generate the file list:


import os

file = open("meta/classes.txt", "r") 

classifications = []

for line in file:
    classification_string = line.split("\n")[0]

#rootDir = os.getcwd()
rootDir = "Images\\"
for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(rootDir):

    s = dirName.split("\\");
    classification_string = s[len(s) - 1]
    classification_string = classification_string.split("\n")[0]

    class_id = 0

    for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
        if(classifications[i] == classification_string):            
            class_id = i

    for fname in fileList:
        print("%s\\%s %s" % (dirName, fname, class_id))

Here is the main code, that reads in the file list:

import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import random

def add_noise(img_input_array, scale):
    for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        noise = float(random.randint(0, 255))   
        noise = noise / 255.0
        img_input_array[i] = (img_input_array[i] + noise*scale) / (1.0 + scale)

        if img_input_array[i] < 0.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 0.0

        if img_input_array[i] > 1.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 1.0

    return img_input_array

# A function that takes an integer and gives the bit numpy array
def get_bits_for_int(src_min_bits, src_number):
    bits = bin(src_number)[2:]

    a = np.array([])

    for i in range(0, len(bits)):
        a = np.append(a, float(bits[i]))

    num_bits = len(a)
    needed_bits = 0

    if num_bits < src_min_bits:
        needed_bits = src_min_bits - num_bits

    for i in range(0, needed_bits):
        a = np.insert(a, 0, 0.0)

    return a

# Read file list
file = open("files.txt", "r") 

filenames = []
classifications = []

for line in file:
    filenames.append(line.split(" ")[0])
    classifications.append(int(line.split(" ")[1]))

# Get the maximum classification number
max_class = 0

for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
    if classifications[i] > max_class:
        max_class = classifications[i]

num_classes = max_class + 1

# Get minimum number of bits needed to encode num_classes distinct classes
num_bits_needed = math.ceil(math.log(num_classes)/math.log(2.0))

# Get image and ANN parameters
sample_img = cv2.imread(filenames[0])
sample_img = cv2.resize(sample_img, (64, 64))

img_rows = sample_img.shape[0]
img_cols = sample_img.shape[1]
channels_per_pixel = 3

num_input_neurons = int(img_rows*img_cols*channels_per_pixel)
num_output_neurons = int(num_bits_needed)
num_hidden_neurons = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(num_input_neurons*num_output_neurons)))

ann =
ann.setLayerSizes(np.array([num_input_neurons, num_hidden_neurons, num_output_neurons], dtype=np.int64))
ann.setTermCriteria((cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 1, 0.000001 ))
ann.setTrainMethod(, 0.001)

# Read image from file
img_input_array = sample_img.flatten()
img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

# Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
    img_input_array[i] = float(img_input_array[i]) / float(255)

# Get output image
img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

# Make both images have 1 row, many columns
img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

# Train the network
img_td =,, img_output_array)
ann.train(img_td, |

# For each training iteration
for i in range(0, 1000):

    # For each file
    for j in range(0, len(filenames)):


        # Read image from file
        img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[j])
        img_input_array = cv2.resize(img_input_array, (64, 64))
        img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
        img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
        for k in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
            img_input_array[k] = float(img_input_array[k]) / float(255)

        # Add noise to input image
        #img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

        # Get output image
        img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[j])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Make both images have 1 row, many columns
        img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

        # Train the network
        img_td =,, img_output_array)
        ann.train(img_td, | |

# For each file
for i in range(0, len(filenames)):

    # Read  image from file
    img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[i])
    img_input_array = cv2.resize(img_input_array, (64, 64)) 
    img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
    img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

    # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
    for j in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        img_input_array[j] = float(img_input_array[j]) / float(255)

    # Add noise to input image
    #img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

    # Make input image have 1 row, many columns
    img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])

    # Ask the network to classify the image

I have written a code that takes a file list and trains the neural network. Be careful when changing any of the network initialization parameters -- it's like voodoo magic.

Here is the code to generate the file list:


import os

file = open("meta/classes.txt", "r") 

classifications = []

for line in file:
    classification_string = line.split("\n")[0]

#rootDir = os.getcwd()
rootDir = "Images\\"
for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(rootDir):

    s = dirName.split("\\");
    classification_string = s[len(s) - 1]
    classification_string = classification_string.split("\n")[0]

    class_id = 0

    for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
        if(classifications[i] == classification_string):            
            class_id = i

    for fname in fileList:
        print("%s\\%s print("%s/%s %s" % (dirName, fname, class_id))

Here is the main code, that reads in the file list:

import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import random

def add_noise(img_input_array, scale):
    for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        noise = float(random.randint(0, 255))   
        noise = noise / 255.0
        img_input_array[i] = (img_input_array[i] + noise*scale) / (1.0 + scale)

        if img_input_array[i] < 0.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 0.0

        if img_input_array[i] > 1.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 1.0

    return img_input_array

# A function that takes an integer and gives the bit numpy array
def get_bits_for_int(src_min_bits, src_number):
    bits = bin(src_number)[2:]

    a = np.array([])

    for i in range(0, len(bits)):
        a = np.append(a, float(bits[i]))

    num_bits = len(a)
    needed_bits = 0

    if num_bits < src_min_bits:
        needed_bits = src_min_bits - num_bits

    for i in range(0, needed_bits):
        a = np.insert(a, 0, 0.0)

    return a

# Read file list
file = open("files.txt", "r") 

filenames = []
classifications = []

for line in file:
    filenames.append(line.split(" ")[0])
    classifications.append(int(line.split(" ")[1]))

# Get the maximum classification number
max_class = 0

for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
    if classifications[i] > max_class:
        max_class = classifications[i]

num_classes = max_class + 1

# Get minimum number of bits needed to encode num_classes distinct classes
num_bits_needed = math.ceil(math.log(num_classes)/math.log(2.0))

# Get image and ANN parameters
sample_img = cv2.imread(filenames[0])
sample_img = cv2.resize(sample_img, (64, 64))

img_rows = sample_img.shape[0]
img_cols = sample_img.shape[1]
channels_per_pixel = 3

num_input_neurons = int(img_rows*img_cols*channels_per_pixel)
num_output_neurons = int(num_bits_needed)
num_hidden_neurons = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(num_input_neurons*num_output_neurons)))

ann =
ann.setLayerSizes(np.array([num_input_neurons, num_hidden_neurons, num_output_neurons], dtype=np.int64))
ann.setTermCriteria((cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 1, 0.000001 ))
ann.setTrainMethod(, 0.001)

# Read image from file
img_input_array = sample_img.flatten()
img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

# Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
    img_input_array[i] = float(img_input_array[i]) / float(255)

# Get output image
img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

# Make both images have 1 row, many columns
img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

# Train the network
img_td =,, img_output_array)
ann.train(img_td, |

# For each training iteration
for i in range(0, 1000):

    # For each file
    for j in range(0, len(filenames)):


        # Read image from file
        img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[j])
        img_input_array = cv2.resize(img_input_array, (64, 64))
        img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
        img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
        for k in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
            img_input_array[k] = float(img_input_array[k]) / float(255)

        # Add noise to input image
        #img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

        # Get output image
        img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[j])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Make both images have 1 row, many columns
        img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

        # Train the network
        img_td =,, img_output_array)
        ann.train(img_td, | |

I have written a code that takes a file list and trains the neural network. Be careful when changing any of the network initialization parameters -- it's like voodoo magic.

Here is the code to generate the file list:


import os

file = open("meta/classes.txt", "r") 

classifications = []

for line in file:
    classification_string = line.split("\n")[0]

rootDir = "Images/"
for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(rootDir):

    s = dirName.split("/");
    classification_string = s[len(s) - 1]
    classification_string = classification_string.split("\n")[0]

    class_id = 0

    for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
        if(classifications[i] == classification_string):            
            class_id = i

    for fname in fileList:
        print("%s/%s %s" % (dirName, fname, class_id))

Here is the main code, that reads in the file list:

import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import random

def add_noise(img_input_array, scale):
    for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        noise = float(random.randint(0, 255))   
        noise = noise / 255.0
        img_input_array[i] = (img_input_array[i] + noise*scale) / (1.0 + scale)

        if img_input_array[i] < 0.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 0.0

        if img_input_array[i] > 1.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 1.0

    return img_input_array

def get_int_for_bits(src_bits):

    answer = 0
    shifted = 1

    for i in range(0, len(src_bits)):

        if 1.0 == src_bits[len(src_bits) - i - 1]:
            answer += shifted

        shifted = shifted << 1

    return answer

# A function that takes an integer and gives the bit numpy array
def get_bits_for_int(src_min_bits, src_number):
    bits = bin(src_number)[2:]

    a = np.array([])

    for i in range(0, len(bits)):
        a = np.append(a, float(bits[i]))

    num_bits = len(a)
    needed_bits = 0

    if num_bits < src_min_bits:
        needed_bits = src_min_bits - num_bits

    for i in range(0, needed_bits):
        a = np.insert(a, 0, 0.0)

    return a

# Read file list
file = open("files.txt", "r") 

filenames = []
classifications = []

for line in file:
    filenames.append(line.split(" ")[0])
    classifications.append(int(line.split(" ")[1]))

# Get the maximum classification number
max_class = 0

for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
    if classifications[i] > max_class:
        max_class = classifications[i]

num_classes = max_class + 1

# Get minimum number of bits needed to encode num_classes distinct classes
num_bits_needed = math.ceil(math.log(num_classes)/math.log(2.0))

# Get image and ANN parameters
sample_img = cv2.imread(filenames[0])
sample_img = cv2.resize(sample_img, (64, 64))

img_rows = sample_img.shape[0]
img_cols = sample_img.shape[1]
channels_per_pixel = 3

num_input_neurons = int(img_rows*img_cols*channels_per_pixel)
num_output_neurons = int(num_bits_needed)
num_hidden_neurons = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(num_input_neurons*num_output_neurons)))

ann =
ann.setLayerSizes(np.array([num_input_neurons, num_hidden_neurons, num_output_neurons], dtype=np.int64))
ann.setTermCriteria((cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 1, 0.000001 ))
ann.setTrainMethod(, 0.001)

# Read image from file
img_input_array = sample_img.flatten()
img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

# Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
    img_input_array[i] = float(img_input_array[i]) / float(255)

# Get output image
img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

# Make both images have 1 row, many columns
img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

# Train the network
img_td =,, img_output_array)
ann.train(img_td, |

# For each training iteration
for i in range(0, 1000):

    # For each file
    for j in range(0, len(filenames)):


        # Read image from file
        img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[j])
        img_input_array = cv2.resize(img_input_array, (64, 64))
        img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
        img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
        for k in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
            img_input_array[k] = float(img_input_array[k]) / float(255)

        # Add noise to input image
        #img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

        # Get output image
        img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[j])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Make both images have 1 row, many columns
        img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

        # Train the network
        img_td =,, img_output_array)
        ann.train(img_td, | |

I have written a code that takes a file list and trains the neural network. Be careful when changing any of the network initialization parameters -- it's like voodoo magic.

Here is the code to generate the file list:


import os

file = open("meta/classes.txt", "r") 

classifications = []

for line in file:
    classification_string = line.split("\n")[0]

rootDir = "Images/"
for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(rootDir):

    s = dirName.split("/");
    classification_string = s[len(s) - 1]
    classification_string = classification_string.split("\n")[0]

    class_id = 0

    for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
        if(classifications[i] == classification_string):            
            class_id = i

    for fname in fileList:
        print("%s/%s %s" % (dirName, fname, class_id))

Here is the main code, that reads in the file list:

import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import random

def add_noise(img_input_array, scale):
    for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        noise = float(random.randint(0, 255))   
        noise = noise / 255.0
        img_input_array[i] = (img_input_array[i] + noise*scale) / (1.0 + scale)

        if img_input_array[i] < 0.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 0.0

        if img_input_array[i] > 1.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 1.0

    return img_input_array

def get_int_for_bits(src_bits):

    answer = 0
    shifted = 1

    for i in range(0, len(src_bits)):

        if 1.0 == src_bits[len(src_bits) - i - 1]:
            answer += shifted

        shifted = shifted << 1

    return answer

# A function that takes an integer and gives the bit numpy array
def get_bits_for_int(src_min_bits, src_number):
    bits = bin(src_number)[2:]

    a = np.array([])

    for i in range(0, len(bits)):
        a = np.append(a, float(bits[i]))

    num_bits = len(a)
    needed_bits = 0

    if num_bits < src_min_bits:
        needed_bits = src_min_bits - num_bits

    for i in range(0, needed_bits):
        a = np.insert(a, 0, 0.0)

    return a

def snapto(position):

    if position < 0:
        position = 0

    if position > 1:
        position = 1

    # round
    return math.floor(0.5 + position)

# Read file list
file = open("files.txt", "r") 

filenames = []
classifications = []

for line in file:
    filenames.append(line.split(" ")[0])
    classifications.append(int(line.split(" ")[1]))

# Get the maximum classification number
max_class = 0

for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
    if classifications[i] > max_class:
        max_class = classifications[i]

num_classes = max_class + 1

# Get minimum number of bits needed to encode num_classes distinct classes
num_bits_needed = math.ceil(math.log(num_classes)/math.log(2.0))

# Get image and ANN parameters
sample_img = cv2.imread(filenames[0])
sample_img = cv2.resize(sample_img, (64, 64))

img_rows = sample_img.shape[0]
img_cols = sample_img.shape[1]
channels_per_pixel = 3

num_input_neurons = int(img_rows*img_cols*channels_per_pixel)
num_output_neurons = int(num_bits_needed)
num_hidden_neurons = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(num_input_neurons*num_output_neurons)))

ann =
ann.setLayerSizes(np.array([num_input_neurons, num_hidden_neurons, num_output_neurons], dtype=np.int64))
ann.setTermCriteria((cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 1, 0.000001 ))
ann.setTrainMethod(, 0.001)

# Read image from file
img_input_array = sample_img.flatten()
img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

# Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
    img_input_array[i] = float(img_input_array[i]) / float(255)

# Get output image
img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

# Make both images have 1 row, many columns
img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

# Train the network
img_td =,, img_output_array)
ann.train(img_td, |

# For each training iteration
for i in range(0, 10):

    # For each file
    for j in range(0, len(filenames)):


        # Read image from file
        img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[j])
        img_input_array = cv2.resize(img_input_array, (64, 64))
        img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
        img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
        for k in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
            img_input_array[k] = float(img_input_array[k]) / float(255)

        # Add noise to input image
        #img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

        # Get output image
        img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[j])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Make both images have 1 row, many columns
        img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

        # Train the network
        img_td =,, img_output_array)
        ann.train(img_td, | |

error_count = 0
ok_count = 0

# For each file
for i in range(0, len(filenames)):

    # Read image from file
    img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[i])
    img_input_array = cv2.resize(img_input_array, (64, 64))
    img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
    img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

    # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
    for j in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        img_input_array[j] = float(img_input_array[j]) / float(255)

    for j in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        img_input_array[j] = snapto(img_input_array[j])

    # Make input image have 1 row, many columns
    img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])

    # Ask the network to classify the image
    prediction = ann.predict(img_input_array)

    # snap to 0 or 1
    for j in range(0, len(prediction[1][0])):
        prediction[1][0][j] = snapto(prediction[1][0][j])

    # if the classifications are not a match, then there is error
    if int(classifications[i]) != get_int_for_bits(prediction[1][0]):
        error_count += 1
        ok_count += 1

print(float(ok_count) / float(error_count + ok_count))

I have written a code that takes a file list and trains the neural network. Be careful when changing any of the network initialization parameters -- it's like voodoo magic.

Here is the code to generate the file list:


import os

file = open("meta/classes.txt", "r") 

classifications = []

for line in file:
    classification_string = line.split("\n")[0]

rootDir = "Images/"
for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(rootDir):

    s = dirName.split("/");
    classification_string = s[len(s) - 1]
    classification_string = classification_string.split("\n")[0]

    class_id = 0

    for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
        if(classifications[i] == classification_string):            
            class_id = i

    for fname in fileList:
        print("%s/%s %s" % (dirName, fname, class_id))

Here is the main code, that reads in the file list:

import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import random

def add_noise(img_input_array, scale):
    for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        noise = float(random.randint(0, 255))   
        noise = noise / 255.0
        img_input_array[i] = (img_input_array[i] + noise*scale) / (1.0 + scale)

        if img_input_array[i] < 0.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 0.0

        if img_input_array[i] > 1.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 1.0

    return img_input_array

def get_int_for_bits(src_bits):

    answer = 0
    shifted = 1

    for i in range(0, len(src_bits)):

        if 1.0 == src_bits[len(src_bits) - i - 1]:
            answer += shifted

        shifted = shifted << 1

    return answer

# A function that takes an integer and gives the bit numpy array
def get_bits_for_int(src_min_bits, src_number):
    bits = bin(src_number)[2:]

    a = np.array([])

    for i in range(0, len(bits)):
        a = np.append(a, float(bits[i]))

    num_bits = len(a)
    needed_bits = 0

    if num_bits < src_min_bits:
        needed_bits = src_min_bits - num_bits

    for i in range(0, needed_bits):
        a = np.insert(a, 0, 0.0)

    return a

def snapto(position):

    if position < 0:
        position = 0

    if position > 1:
        position = 1

    # round
    return math.floor(0.5 + position)

# Read file list
file = open("files.txt", "r") 

filenames = []
classifications = []

for line in file:
    filenames.append(line.split(" ")[0])
    classifications.append(int(line.split(" ")[1]))

# Get the maximum classification number
max_class = 0

for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
    if classifications[i] > max_class:
        max_class = classifications[i]

num_classes = max_class + 1

# Get minimum number of bits needed to encode num_classes distinct classes
num_bits_needed = math.ceil(math.log(num_classes)/math.log(2.0))

# Get image and ANN parameters
sample_img = cv2.imread(filenames[0])
sample_img = cv2.resize(sample_img, (64, 64))

img_rows = sample_img.shape[0]
img_cols = sample_img.shape[1]
channels_per_pixel = 3

num_input_neurons = int(img_rows*img_cols*channels_per_pixel)
num_output_neurons = int(num_bits_needed)
num_hidden_neurons = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(num_input_neurons*num_output_neurons)))

ann =
ann.setLayerSizes(np.array([num_input_neurons, num_hidden_neurons, num_output_neurons], dtype=np.int64))
ann.setTermCriteria((cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 1, 0.000001 ))
ann.setTrainMethod(, 0.001)

# Read image from file
img_input_array = sample_img.flatten()
img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

# Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
    img_input_array[i] = float(img_input_array[i]) / float(255)

# Get output image
img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

# Make both images have 1 row, many columns
img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

# Train the network
img_td =,, img_output_array)
ann.train(img_td, |

# For each training iteration
for i in range(0, 10):

    # For each file
    for j in range(0, len(filenames)):


        # Read image from file
        img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[j])
        img_input_array = cv2.resize(img_input_array, (64, 64))
        img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
        img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
        for k in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
            img_input_array[k] = float(img_input_array[k]) / float(255)

        # Add noise to input image
        #img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

        # Get output image
        img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[j])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Make both images have 1 row, many columns
        img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

        # Train the network
        img_td =,, img_output_array)
        ann.train(img_td, | |

error_count = 0
ok_count = 0

# For each file
file in the test data (replace with your own filenames/classifications)
for i in range(0, len(filenames)):

    # Read image from file
    img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[i])
    img_input_array = cv2.resize(img_input_array, (64, 64))
    img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
    img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

    # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
    for j in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        img_input_array[j] = float(img_input_array[j]) / float(255)

    for j in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        img_input_array[j] = snapto(img_input_array[j])

    # Make input image have 1 row, many columns
    img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])

    # Ask the network to classify the image
    prediction = ann.predict(img_input_array)

    # snap to 0 or 1
    for j in range(0, len(prediction[1][0])):
        prediction[1][0][j] = snapto(prediction[1][0][j])

    # if the classifications are not a match, then there is error
    if int(classifications[i]) != get_int_for_bits(prediction[1][0]):
        error_count += 1
        ok_count += 1

print(float(ok_count) / float(error_count + ok_count))

I have written a code that takes a file list and trains the neural network. Be careful when changing any of the network initialization parameters -- it's like voodoo magic.

Here is the code to generate the file list:


import os

file = open("meta/classes.txt", "r") 

classifications = []

for line in file:
    classification_string = line.split("\n")[0]

rootDir = "Images/"
for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(rootDir):

    s = dirName.split("/");
    classification_string = s[len(s) - 1]
    classification_string = classification_string.split("\n")[0]

    class_id = 0

    for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
        if(classifications[i] == classification_string):            
            class_id = i

    for fname in fileList:
        print("%s/%s %s" % (dirName, fname, class_id))

Here is the main code, that reads in the file list:

import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import random

def add_noise(img_input_array, scale):
    for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        noise = float(random.randint(0, 255))   
        noise = noise / 255.0
        img_input_array[i] = (img_input_array[i] + noise*scale) / (1.0 + scale)

        if img_input_array[i] < 0.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 0.0

        if img_input_array[i] > 1.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 1.0

    return img_input_array

def get_int_for_bits(src_bits):

    answer = 0
    shifted = 1

    for i in range(0, len(src_bits)):

        if 1.0 == src_bits[len(src_bits) - i - 1]:
            answer += shifted

        shifted = shifted << 1

    return answer

# A function that takes an integer and gives the bit numpy array
def get_bits_for_int(src_min_bits, src_number):
    bits = bin(src_number)[2:]

    a = np.array([])

    for i in range(0, len(bits)):
        a = np.append(a, float(bits[i]))

    num_bits = len(a)
    needed_bits = 0

    if num_bits < src_min_bits:
        needed_bits = src_min_bits - num_bits

    for i in range(0, needed_bits):
        a = np.insert(a, 0, 0.0)

    return a

def snapto(position):

    if position < 0:
        position = 0

    if position > 1:
        position = 1

    # round
    return math.floor(0.5 + position)

# Read file list
file = open("files.txt", "r") 

filenames = []
classifications = []

for line in file:
    filenames.append(line.split(" ")[0])
    classifications.append(int(line.split(" ")[1]))

# Get the maximum classification number
max_class = 0

for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
    if classifications[i] > max_class:
        max_class = classifications[i]

num_classes = max_class + 1

# Get minimum number of bits needed to encode num_classes distinct classes
num_bits_needed = math.ceil(math.log(num_classes)/math.log(2.0))

# Get image and ANN parameters
sample_img = cv2.imread(filenames[0])
sample_img = cv2.resize(sample_img, (64, 64))

img_rows = sample_img.shape[0]
img_cols = sample_img.shape[1]
channels_per_pixel = 3

num_input_neurons = int(img_rows*img_cols*channels_per_pixel)
num_output_neurons = int(num_bits_needed)
num_hidden_neurons = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(num_input_neurons*num_output_neurons)))

ann =
ann.setLayerSizes(np.array([num_input_neurons, num_hidden_neurons, num_output_neurons], dtype=np.int64))
ann.setTermCriteria((cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 1, 0.000001 ))
ann.setTrainMethod(, 0.001)

# Read image from file
img_input_array = sample_img.flatten()
img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

# Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
    img_input_array[i] = float(img_input_array[i]) / float(255)

# Get output image
img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

# Make both images have 1 row, many columns
img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

# Train the network
img_td =,, img_output_array)
ann.train(img_td, |

# For each training iteration
for i in range(0, 10):

    # For each file
    for j in range(0, len(filenames)):


        # Read image from file
        img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[j])
        img_input_array = cv2.resize(img_input_array, (64, 64))
        img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
        img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
        for k in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
            img_input_array[k] = float(img_input_array[k]) / float(255)

        # Add noise to input image
        #img_input_array = add_noise(img_input_array, 0.1)

        # Get output image
        img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[j])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Make both images have 1 row, many columns
        img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

        # Train the network
        img_td =,, img_output_array)
        ann.train(img_td, | |

error_count = 0
ok_count = 0

# For each file in the test data (replace with your own filenames/classifications)
for i in range(0, len(filenames)):

    # Read image from file
    img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[i])
    img_input_array = cv2.resize(img_input_array, (64, 64))
    img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
    img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

    # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
    for j in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        img_input_array[j] = float(img_input_array[j]) / float(255)

    for j in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        img_input_array[j] = snapto(img_input_array[j])

    # Make input image have 1 row, many columns
    img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])

    # Ask the network to classify the image
    prediction = ann.predict(img_input_array)

    # snap prediction to 0 or 1
    for j in range(0, len(prediction[1][0])):
        prediction[1][0][j] = snapto(prediction[1][0][j])

    # if the classifications are not a match, then there is error
    if int(classifications[i]) != get_int_for_bits(prediction[1][0]):
        error_count += 1
        ok_count += 1

print(float(ok_count) / float(error_count + ok_count))

I have written a code that takes a file list and trains the neural network. Be careful when changing any of the network initialization parameters -- it's like voodoo magic.

Here is the code to generate the file list:


import os

file = open("meta/classes.txt", "r") 

classifications = []

for line in file:
    classification_string = line.split("\n")[0]

rootDir = "Images/"
for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(rootDir):

    s = dirName.split("/");
    classification_string = s[len(s) - 1]
    classification_string = classification_string.split("\n")[0]

    class_id = 0

    for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
        if(classifications[i] == classification_string):            
            class_id = i

    for fname in fileList:
        print("%s/%s %s" % (dirName, fname, class_id))

Here is the main code, that reads in the file list:

import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import random

def add_noise(img_input_array, scale):
    for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        noise = float(random.randint(0, 255))   
        noise = noise / 255.0
        img_input_array[i] = (img_input_array[i] + noise*scale) / (1.0 + scale)

        if img_input_array[i] < 0.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 0.0

        if img_input_array[i] > 1.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 1.0

    return img_input_array

def get_int_for_bits(src_bits):

    answer = 0
    shifted = 1

    for i in range(0, len(src_bits)):

        if 1.0 == src_bits[len(src_bits) - i - 1]:
            answer += shifted

        shifted = shifted << 1

    return answer

# A function that takes an integer and gives the bit numpy array
def get_bits_for_int(src_min_bits, src_number):
    bits = bin(src_number)[2:]

    a = np.array([])

    for i in range(0, len(bits)):
        a = np.append(a, float(bits[i]))

    num_bits = len(a)
    needed_bits = 0

    if num_bits < src_min_bits:
        needed_bits = src_min_bits - num_bits

    for i in range(0, needed_bits):
        a = np.insert(a, 0, 0.0)

    return a

def snapto(position):

    if position < 0:
        position = 0

    if position > 1:
        position = 1

    # round
    return math.floor(0.5 + position)

# Read file list
file = open("files.txt", "r") 

filenames = []
classifications = []

for line in file:
    filenames.append(line.split(" ")[0])
    classifications.append(int(line.split(" ")[1]))

# Get the maximum classification number
max_class = 0

for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
    if classifications[i] > max_class:
        max_class = classifications[i]

num_classes = max_class + 1

# Get minimum number of bits needed to encode num_classes distinct classes
num_bits_needed = math.ceil(math.log(num_classes)/math.log(2.0))

# Get image and ANN parameters
sample_img = cv2.imread(filenames[0])
sample_img = cv2.resize(sample_img, (64, 64))

img_rows = sample_img.shape[0]
img_cols = sample_img.shape[1]
channels_per_pixel = 3

num_input_neurons = int(img_rows*img_cols*channels_per_pixel)
num_output_neurons = int(num_bits_needed)
num_hidden_neurons = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(num_input_neurons*num_output_neurons)))

ann =
ann.setLayerSizes(np.array([num_input_neurons, num_hidden_neurons, num_output_neurons], dtype=np.int64))
ann.setTermCriteria((cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 1, 0.000001 ))
ann.setTrainMethod(, 0.001)

# Read image from file
img_input_array = sample_img.flatten()
img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

# Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
    img_input_array[i] = float(img_input_array[i]) / float(255)

# Get output image
img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

# Make both images have 1 row, many columns
img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

# Train the network
img_td =,, img_output_array)
ann.train(img_td, |

# For each training iteration
for i in range(0, 1000):

    # For each file
    for j in range(0, len(filenames)):


        # Read image from file
        img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[j])
        img_input_array = cv2.resize(img_input_array, (64, 64))
        img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
        img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
        for k in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
            img_input_array[k] = float(img_input_array[k]) / float(255)

        # Get output image
        img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[j])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Make both images have 1 row, many columns
        img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

        # Train the network
        img_td =,, img_output_array)
        ann.train(img_td, | |

test_file = open("test_files.txt", "r") 

test_filenames = []
test_classifications = []

for line in test_file:
    test_filenames.append(line.split(" ")[0])
    test_classifications.append(int(line.split(" ")[1]))

error_count = 0
ok_count = 0

# For each file in the test data (replace with your own filenames/classifications)
for i in range(0, len(filenames)):

    # Read image from file
    img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[i])
    img_input_array = cv2.resize(img_input_array, (64, 64))
    img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
    img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

    # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
    for j in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        img_input_array[j] = float(img_input_array[j]) / float(255)

    # Make input image have 1 row, many columns
    img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])

    # Ask the network to classify the image
    prediction = ann.predict(img_input_array)

    # snap prediction to 0 or 1
    for j in range(0, len(prediction[1][0])):
        prediction[1][0][j] = snapto(prediction[1][0][j])

    # if the classifications are not a match, then there is error
    if int(classifications[i]) int(test_classifications[i]) != get_int_for_bits(prediction[1][0]):
        error_count += 1
        ok_count += 1

print(float(ok_count) / float(error_count + ok_count))

I have written a code that takes a file list and trains the neural network. Be careful when changing any of the network initialization parameters -- it's like voodoo magic.parameters.

Here is the code to generate the a file list:


import os

file = open("meta/classes.txt", "r") 

classifications = []

for line in file:
    classification_string = line.split("\n")[0]

rootDir = "Images/"
for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(rootDir):

    s = dirName.split("/");
    classification_string = s[len(s) - 1]
    classification_string = classification_string.split("\n")[0]

    class_id = 0

    for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
        if(classifications[i] == classification_string):            
            class_id = i

    for fname in fileList:
        print("%s/%s %s" % (dirName, fname, class_id))

Here is the main code, that reads in the file list:lists (one for training data and one for test data):

import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import random

def add_noise(img_input_array, scale):
    for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        noise = float(random.randint(0, 255))   
        noise = noise / 255.0
        img_input_array[i] = (img_input_array[i] + noise*scale) / (1.0 + scale)

        if img_input_array[i] < 0.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 0.0

        if img_input_array[i] > 1.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 1.0

    return img_input_array

def get_int_for_bits(src_bits):

    answer = 0
    shifted = 1

    for i in range(0, len(src_bits)):

        if 1.0 == src_bits[len(src_bits) - i - 1]:
            answer += shifted

        shifted = shifted << 1

    return answer

# A function that takes an integer and gives the bit numpy array
def get_bits_for_int(src_min_bits, src_number):
    bits = bin(src_number)[2:]

    a = np.array([])

    for i in range(0, len(bits)):
        a = np.append(a, float(bits[i]))

    num_bits = len(a)
    needed_bits = 0

    if num_bits < src_min_bits:
        needed_bits = src_min_bits - num_bits

    for i in range(0, needed_bits):
        a = np.insert(a, 0, 0.0)

    return a

def snapto(position):

    if position < 0:
        position = 0

    if position > 1:
        position = 1

    # round
    return math.floor(0.5 + position)

# Read file list
file = open("files.txt", "r") 

filenames = []
classifications = []

for line in file:
    filenames.append(line.split(" ")[0])
    classifications.append(int(line.split(" ")[1]))

# Get the maximum classification number
max_class = 0

for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
    if classifications[i] > max_class:
        max_class = classifications[i]

num_classes = max_class + 1

# Get minimum number of bits needed to encode num_classes distinct classes
num_bits_needed = math.ceil(math.log(num_classes)/math.log(2.0))

# Get image and ANN parameters
sample_img = cv2.imread(filenames[0])
sample_img = cv2.resize(sample_img, (64, 64))

img_rows = sample_img.shape[0]
img_cols = sample_img.shape[1]
channels_per_pixel = 3

num_input_neurons = int(img_rows*img_cols*channels_per_pixel)
num_output_neurons = int(num_bits_needed)
num_hidden_neurons = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(num_input_neurons*num_output_neurons)))

ann =
ann.setLayerSizes(np.array([num_input_neurons, num_hidden_neurons, num_output_neurons], dtype=np.int64))
ann.setTermCriteria((cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 1, 0.000001 ))
ann.setTrainMethod(, 0.001)

# Read image from file
img_input_array = sample_img.flatten()
img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

# Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
    img_input_array[i] = float(img_input_array[i]) / float(255)

# Get output image
img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

# Make both images have 1 row, many columns
img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

# Train the network
img_td =,, img_output_array)
ann.train(img_td, |

# For each training iteration
for i in range(0, 1000):

    # For each file
    for j in range(0, len(filenames)):


        # Read image from file
        img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[j])
        img_input_array = cv2.resize(img_input_array, (64, 64))
        img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
        img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
        for k in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
            img_input_array[k] = float(img_input_array[k]) / float(255)

        # Get output image
        img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[j])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Make both images have 1 row, many columns
        img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

        # Train the network
        img_td =,, img_output_array)
        ann.train(img_td, | |

test_file = open("test_files.txt", "r") 

test_filenames = []
test_classifications = []

for line in test_file:
    test_filenames.append(line.split(" ")[0])
    test_classifications.append(int(line.split(" ")[1]))

error_count = 0
ok_count = 0

# For each file in the test data (replace with your own filenames/classifications)
for i in range(0, len(test_filenames)):

    # Read image from file
    img_input_array = cv2.imread(test_filenames[i])
    img_input_array = cv2.resize(img_input_array, (64, 64))
    img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
    img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

    # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
    for j in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        img_input_array[j] = float(img_input_array[j]) / float(255)

    # Make input image have 1 row, many columns
    img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])

    # Ask the network to classify the image
    prediction = ann.predict(img_input_array)

    # snap prediction to 0 or 1
    for j in range(0, len(prediction[1][0])):
        prediction[1][0][j] = snapto(prediction[1][0][j])

    # if the classifications are not a match, then there is error
    if int(test_classifications[i]) != get_int_for_bits(prediction[1][0]):
        error_count += 1
        ok_count += 1

print(float(ok_count) / float(error_count + ok_count))

I have written a code that takes a file list and trains the neural network. Be careful when changing any of the network initialization parameters.

Here is the code to generate a the two file list:lists (training data and testing data):


import os

file = open("meta/classes.txt", "r") 
training_file = open("files.txt", "w")
test_file = open("test_files.txt", "w")

classifications = []

for line in file:
    classification_string = line.split("\n")[0]

rootDir = "Images/"
 for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(rootDir):

    s = dirName.split("/");
    classification_string = s[len(s) - 1]
    classification_string = classification_string.split("\n")[0]

    class_id = 0

    for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
        if(classifications[i] == classification_string):            
            class_id = i

    filenames_classifications = []

    for fname in fileList:
        print("%s/%s %s" filenames_classifications.append("%s/%s %s\n" % (dirName, fname, class_id))

    # Use 80% of the data for training
    cutoff = 0.8*float(len(filenames_classifications))

    for i in range(0, len(filenames_classifications)):
        if i < cutoff:

Here is the main code, that reads in the file lists (one for training data and one for test data):

import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import random

def add_noise(img_input_array, scale):
    for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        noise = float(random.randint(0, 255))   
        noise = noise / 255.0
        img_input_array[i] = (img_input_array[i] + noise*scale) / (1.0 + scale)

        if img_input_array[i] < 0.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 0.0

        if img_input_array[i] > 1.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 1.0

    return img_input_array

def get_int_for_bits(src_bits):

    answer = 0
    shifted = 1

    for i in range(0, len(src_bits)):

        if 1.0 == src_bits[len(src_bits) - i - 1]:
            answer += shifted

        shifted = shifted << 1

    return answer

# A function that takes an integer and gives the bit numpy array
def get_bits_for_int(src_min_bits, src_number):
    bits = bin(src_number)[2:]

    a = np.array([])

    for i in range(0, len(bits)):
        a = np.append(a, float(bits[i]))

    num_bits = len(a)
    needed_bits = 0

    if num_bits < src_min_bits:
        needed_bits = src_min_bits - num_bits

    for i in range(0, needed_bits):
        a = np.insert(a, 0, 0.0)

    return a

def snapto(position):

    if position < 0:
        position = 0

    if position > 1:
        position = 1

    # round
    return math.floor(0.5 + position)

# Read file list
file = open("files.txt", "r") 

filenames = []
classifications = []

for line in file:
    filenames.append(line.split(" ")[0])
    classifications.append(int(line.split(" ")[1]))

# Get the maximum classification number
max_class = 0

for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
    if classifications[i] > max_class:
        max_class = classifications[i]

num_classes = max_class + 1

# Get minimum number of bits needed to encode num_classes distinct classes
num_bits_needed = math.ceil(math.log(num_classes)/math.log(2.0))

# Get image and ANN parameters
sample_img = cv2.imread(filenames[0])
sample_img = cv2.resize(sample_img, (64, 64))

img_rows = sample_img.shape[0]
img_cols = sample_img.shape[1]
channels_per_pixel = 3

num_input_neurons = int(img_rows*img_cols*channels_per_pixel)
num_output_neurons = int(num_bits_needed)
num_hidden_neurons = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(num_input_neurons*num_output_neurons)))

ann =
ann.setLayerSizes(np.array([num_input_neurons, num_hidden_neurons, num_output_neurons], dtype=np.int64))
ann.setTermCriteria((cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 1, 0.000001 ))
ann.setTrainMethod(, 0.001)

# Read image from file
img_input_array = sample_img.flatten()
img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

# Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
    img_input_array[i] = float(img_input_array[i]) / float(255)

# Get output image
img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

# Make both images have 1 row, many columns
img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

# Train the network
img_td =,, img_output_array)
ann.train(img_td, |

# For each training iteration
for i in range(0, 1000):

    # For each file
    for j in range(0, len(filenames)):


        # Read image from file
        img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[j])
        img_input_array = cv2.resize(img_input_array, (64, 64))
        img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
        img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
        for k in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
            img_input_array[k] = float(img_input_array[k]) / float(255)

        # Get output image
        img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[j])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Make both images have 1 row, many columns
        img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

        # Train the network
        img_td =,, img_output_array)
        ann.train(img_td, | |

test_file = open("test_files.txt", "r") 

test_filenames = []
test_classifications = []

for line in test_file:
    test_filenames.append(line.split(" ")[0])
    test_classifications.append(int(line.split(" ")[1]))

error_count = 0
ok_count = 0

# For each file in the test data (replace with your own filenames/classifications)
for i in range(0, len(test_filenames)):

    # Read image from file
    img_input_array = cv2.imread(test_filenames[i])
    img_input_array = cv2.resize(img_input_array, (64, 64))
    img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
    img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

    # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
    for j in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        img_input_array[j] = float(img_input_array[j]) / float(255)

    # Make input image have 1 row, many columns
    img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])

    # Ask the network to classify the image
    prediction = ann.predict(img_input_array)

    # snap prediction to 0 or 1
    for j in range(0, len(prediction[1][0])):
        prediction[1][0][j] = snapto(prediction[1][0][j])

    # if the classifications are not a match, then there is error
    if int(test_classifications[i]) != get_int_for_bits(prediction[1][0]):
        error_count += 1
        ok_count += 1

print(float(ok_count) / float(error_count + ok_count))

I have written a code that takes a file list and trains the neural network. Be careful when changing any of the network initialization parameters.

Here is the code to generate the two file lists (training data and testing data):


 import os

file = open("meta/classes.txt", "r")
training_file = open("files.txt", open("training_files.txt", "w")
test_file = open("test_files.txt", "w")

classifications = []

for line in file:
    classification_string = line.split("\n")[0]

rootDir = "Images/"

for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(rootDir):

    s = dirName.split("/");
    classification_string = s[len(s) - 1]
    classification_string = classification_string.split("\n")[0]

    class_id = 0

    for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
        if(classifications[i] == classification_string):            
            class_id = i

    filenames_classifications = []

    for fname in fileList:
        filenames_classifications.append("%s/%s %s\n" % (dirName, fname, class_id))

    # Use 80% of the data for training
    cutoff = 0.8*float(len(filenames_classifications))

    for i in range(0, len(filenames_classifications)):
        if i < cutoff:

Here is the main code, that reads in the file lists (one for training data and one for test data):

import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import random

def add_noise(img_input_array, scale):
    for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        noise = float(random.randint(0, 255))   
        noise = noise / 255.0
        img_input_array[i] = (img_input_array[i] + noise*scale) / (1.0 + scale)

        if img_input_array[i] < 0.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 0.0

        if img_input_array[i] > 1.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 1.0

    return img_input_array

def get_int_for_bits(src_bits):

    answer = 0
    shifted = 1

    for i in range(0, len(src_bits)):

        if 1.0 == src_bits[len(src_bits) - i - 1]:
            answer += shifted

        shifted = shifted << 1

    return answer

# A function that takes an integer and gives the bit numpy array
def get_bits_for_int(src_min_bits, src_number):
    bits = bin(src_number)[2:]

    a = np.array([])

    for i in range(0, len(bits)):
        a = np.append(a, float(bits[i]))

    num_bits = len(a)
    needed_bits = 0

    if num_bits < src_min_bits:
        needed_bits = src_min_bits - num_bits

    for i in range(0, needed_bits):
        a = np.insert(a, 0, 0.0)

    return a

def snapto(position):

    if position < 0:
        position = 0

    if position > 1:
        position = 1

    # round
    return math.floor(0.5 + position)

# Read file list
file = open("files.txt", open("training_files.txt", "r") 

filenames = []
classifications = []

for line in file:
    filenames.append(line.split(" ")[0])
    classifications.append(int(line.split(" ")[1]))

# Get the maximum classification number
max_class = 0

for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
    if classifications[i] > max_class:
        max_class = classifications[i]

num_classes = max_class + 1

# Get minimum number of bits needed to encode num_classes distinct classes
num_bits_needed = math.ceil(math.log(num_classes)/math.log(2.0))

# Get image and ANN parameters
sample_img = cv2.imread(filenames[0])
sample_img = cv2.resize(sample_img, (64, 64))

img_rows = sample_img.shape[0]
img_cols = sample_img.shape[1]
channels_per_pixel = 3

num_input_neurons = int(img_rows*img_cols*channels_per_pixel)
num_output_neurons = int(num_bits_needed)
num_hidden_neurons = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(num_input_neurons*num_output_neurons)))

ann =
ann.setLayerSizes(np.array([num_input_neurons, num_hidden_neurons, num_output_neurons], dtype=np.int64))
ann.setTermCriteria((cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 1, 0.000001 ))
ann.setTrainMethod(, 0.001)

# Read image from file
img_input_array = sample_img.flatten()
img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

# Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
    img_input_array[i] = float(img_input_array[i]) / float(255)

# Get output image
img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

# Make both images have 1 row, many columns
img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

# Train the network
img_td =,, img_output_array)
ann.train(img_td, |

# For each training iteration
for i in range(0, 1000):

    # For each file
    for j in range(0, len(filenames)):


        # Read image from file
        img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[j])
        img_input_array = cv2.resize(img_input_array, (64, 64))
        img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
        img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
        for k in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
            img_input_array[k] = float(img_input_array[k]) / float(255)

        # Get output image
        img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[j])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Make both images have 1 row, many columns
        img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

        # Train the network
        img_td =,, img_output_array)
        ann.train(img_td, | |

test_file = open("test_files.txt", "r") 

test_filenames = []
test_classifications = []

for line in test_file:
    test_filenames.append(line.split(" ")[0])
    test_classifications.append(int(line.split(" ")[1]))

error_count = 0
ok_count = 0

# For each file in the test data (replace with your own filenames/classifications)
for i in range(0, len(test_filenames)):

    # Read image from file
    img_input_array = cv2.imread(test_filenames[i])
    img_input_array = cv2.resize(img_input_array, (64, 64))
    img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
    img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

    # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
    for j in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        img_input_array[j] = float(img_input_array[j]) / float(255)

    # Make input image have 1 row, many columns
    img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])

    # Ask the network to classify the image
    prediction = ann.predict(img_input_array)

    # snap prediction to 0 or 1
    for j in range(0, len(prediction[1][0])):
        prediction[1][0][j] = snapto(prediction[1][0][j])

    # if the classifications are not a match, then there is error
    if int(test_classifications[i]) != get_int_for_bits(prediction[1][0]):
        error_count += 1
        ok_count += 1

print(float(ok_count) / float(error_count + ok_count))

I have written a code that takes a file list and trains the neural network. Be careful when changing any of the network initialization parameters.parameters:

Here is

See for the code to generate the two file lists (training data and testing data):data).


import os

file = open("meta/classes.txt", "r")
training_file = open("training_files.txt", "w")
test_file = open("test_files.txt", "w")

classifications = []

See for line in file: classification_string = line.split("\n")[0] classifications.append(classification_string) rootDir = "Images/" for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(rootDir): s = dirName.split("/"); classification_string = s[len(s) - 1] classification_string = classification_string.split("\n")[0] class_id = 0 for i in range(0, len(classifications)): if(classifications[i] == classification_string): class_id = i break filenames_classifications = [] for fname in fileList: filenames_classifications.append("%s/%s %s\n" % (dirName, fname, class_id)) # Use 80% of the data for training cutoff = 0.8*float(len(filenames_classifications)) for i in range(0, len(filenames_classifications)): if i < cutoff: training_file.write(filenames_classifications[i]) else: test_file.write(filenames_classifications[i])

Here is the main code, code that reads in the file lists (one for training data and one for test data):data).

import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import random

def add_noise(img_input_array, scale):
    for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        noise = float(random.randint(0, 255))   
        noise = noise / 255.0
        img_input_array[i] = (img_input_array[i] + noise*scale) / (1.0 + scale)

        if img_input_array[i] < 0.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 0.0

        if img_input_array[i] > 1.0:
            img_input_array[i] = 1.0

    return img_input_array

def get_int_for_bits(src_bits):

    answer = 0
    shifted = 1

    for i in range(0, len(src_bits)):

        if 1.0 == src_bits[len(src_bits) - i - 1]:
            answer += shifted

        shifted = shifted << 1

    return answer

# A function that takes an integer and gives the bit numpy array
def get_bits_for_int(src_min_bits, src_number):
    bits = bin(src_number)[2:]

    a = np.array([])

    for i in range(0, len(bits)):
        a = np.append(a, float(bits[i]))

    num_bits = len(a)
    needed_bits = 0

    if num_bits < src_min_bits:
        needed_bits = src_min_bits - num_bits

    for i in range(0, needed_bits):
        a = np.insert(a, 0, 0.0)

    return a

def snapto(position):

    if position < 0:
        position = 0

    if position > 1:
        position = 1

    # round
    return math.floor(0.5 + position)

# Read file list
file = open("training_files.txt", "r") 

filenames = []
classifications = []

for line in file:
    filenames.append(line.split(" ")[0])
    classifications.append(int(line.split(" ")[1]))

# Get the maximum classification number
max_class = 0

for i in range(0, len(classifications)):
    if classifications[i] > max_class:
        max_class = classifications[i]

num_classes = max_class + 1

# Get minimum number of bits needed to encode num_classes distinct classes
num_bits_needed = math.ceil(math.log(num_classes)/math.log(2.0))

# Get image and ANN parameters
sample_img = cv2.imread(filenames[0])
sample_img = cv2.resize(sample_img, (64, 64))

img_rows = sample_img.shape[0]
img_cols = sample_img.shape[1]
channels_per_pixel = 3

num_input_neurons = int(img_rows*img_cols*channels_per_pixel)
num_output_neurons = int(num_bits_needed)
num_hidden_neurons = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(num_input_neurons*num_output_neurons)))

ann =
ann.setLayerSizes(np.array([num_input_neurons, num_hidden_neurons, num_output_neurons], dtype=np.int64))
ann.setTermCriteria((cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 1, 0.000001 ))
ann.setTrainMethod(, 0.001)

# Read image from file
img_input_array = sample_img.flatten()
img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

# Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
for i in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
    img_input_array[i] = float(img_input_array[i]) / float(255)

# Get output image
img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

# Make both images have 1 row, many columns
img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

# Train the network
img_td =,, img_output_array)
ann.train(img_td, |

# For each training iteration
for i in range(0, 10):

    # For each file
    for j in range(0, len(filenames)):


        # Read image from file
        img_input_array = cv2.imread(filenames[j])
        img_input_array = cv2.resize(img_input_array, (64, 64))
        img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
        img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
        for k in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
            img_input_array[k] = float(img_input_array[k]) / float(255)

        # Get output image
        img_output_array = get_bits_for_int(num_output_neurons, classifications[j])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.astype(np.float32)

        # Make both images have 1 row, many columns
        img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])
        img_output_array = img_output_array.reshape(1, img_output_array.shape[0])

        # Train the network
        img_td =,, img_output_array)
        ann.train(img_td, | |

test_file = open("test_files.txt", "r") 

test_filenames = []
test_classifications = []

for line in test_file:
    test_filenames.append(line.split(" ")[0])
    test_classifications.append(int(line.split(" ")[1]))

error_count = 0
ok_count = 0

# For each file in the test data (replace with your own filenames/classifications)
for i in range(0, len(test_filenames)):

    # Read image from file
    img_input_array = cv2.imread(test_filenames[i])
    img_input_array = cv2.resize(img_input_array, (64, 64))
    img_input_array = img_input_array.flatten()
    img_input_array = img_input_array.astype(np.float32)

    # Normalize all pixels from [0, 255] to [0, 1]
    for j in range(0, img_input_array.shape[0]):
        img_input_array[j] = float(img_input_array[j]) / float(255)

    # Make input image have 1 row, many columns
    img_input_array = img_input_array.reshape(1, img_input_array.shape[0])

    # Ask the network to classify the image
    prediction = ann.predict(img_input_array)

    # snap prediction to 0 or 1
    for j in range(0, len(prediction[1][0])):
        prediction[1][0][j] = snapto(prediction[1][0][j])

    # if the classifications are not a match, then there is error
    if int(test_classifications[i]) != get_int_for_bits(prediction[1][0]):
        error_count += 1
        ok_count += 1

print(float(ok_count) / float(error_count + ok_count))

I have written a code that takes a file list and trains the neural network. Be careful when changing any of the network initialization parameters:

See for the code to generate the two file lists (training data and testing data).

See for the main code that reads in the file lists (one for training data and one for test data).trains / tests the network.