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The following steps were taken to solve the problem:

  1. You need to download the Github source code of OpenCV from the official website if you want to use VS2013, since I had to build everything from the source. I used CMake to configure and generate the files. As for BUILD and INSTALL, VS2013 itself was used.

  2. After that I took the steps which I showed above in the screenshots, but what I was missing, and was pointed out by @berak , was that I had to also add:


into my Additional Include Directories.

  1. After that I still got an error, but this time it was complaining about the gpu.hpp, with a quick search I found out that the code in the tutorial was not supposed to be used, instead the code below was supposed to be used (just to test) and ta da, after replacing the code I got everything running.

The following steps were taken to solve the problem:

  1. You need to download the Github source code of OpenCV from the official website if you want to use VS2013, since I had to build everything from the source. I used CMake to configure and generate the files. As for BUILD and INSTALL, VS2013 itself was used.

  2. After that I took the steps which I showed above in the screenshots, but what I was missing, and was pointed out by @berak , was that I had to also add:



into my Additional Include Directories.

  1. After that I still got an error, but this time it was complaining about the gpu.hpp, with a quick search I found out that the code in the tutorial was not supposed to be used, instead the code below was supposed to be used (just to test) and ta da, after replacing the code I got everything running.