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Hi, solarflare. Since the real value and the calculated value are in the same order of magnitude. I guess the problem could be that the "w" and "W" don't macth each other. I'm not sure about that, but according to your describe, I believe that you did nothing wrong in the calculation. " w = 1264 pixels (image size I set) W = 12 mm (from datasheet) " As you said, "W = 12mm comes from datasheet", but maybe in your selected image size or in video capture mode not the whole ccd/coms sensor array are working. Sometimes for a webcam, for example my Logitech C270, its "Optical Resolution(Ture): 1280 x 960" and the "Video Capture: 800x600" are just different. So if i use 800 instead of 1280 to calculate w/W then ... To avoid problem like this, I suggest that if you can find the mm/pixel rate of your camera's ccd sensor, you can use it to try again.