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the training terminates, when one of Max_false_alarm_rate or Min_hit_rate is reached.

this happened to you already in the 2nd stage, probably , because your Max_false_alarm_rate: 0.500000 is too high. it would also mean, that you're happy with a 50% false alarms.

make that a much smaller value, try 0.1, or 0.05 even

something in the order of : Max_false_alarm rate = 1 - Min_hit_rate would make sense to me

the training terminates, when one of Max_false_alarm_rate or Min_hit_rate is reached.

this happened to you already in the 2nd stage, at stage 2, probably , because your Max_false_alarm_rate: 0.500000 is too high. it would also mean, that you're happy with a 50% false alarms.

make that a much smaller value, try 0.1, or 0.05 even

something in the order of : Max_false_alarm rate = 1 - Min_hit_rate would make sense to me