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From the looks of the quick google searches and documentation, there is no full Highgui implementation in Java, which means no imshow, NamedWindow, ResizeWindow, WaitKey or ShowImage. Using Java, you should not need createMemStorage, Java handles that kind of stuff for you, that is for c (not even c++ needs it according to the docs!) version of the library. The rest seem to mostly be in the org.opencv.imgproc namespace, which is explained in that link oyu provided ;P

From the looks of the quick google searches and documentation, there is no full Highgui implementation in Java, which means no imshow, NamedWindow, ResizeWindow, WaitKey or ShowImage. ShowImage.

Using Java, you should not need createMemStorage, Java handles that kind of stuff for you, that is for c (not even c++ needs it according to the docs!) version of the library.

The rest seem to mostly be in the org.opencv.imgproc namespace, which is explained in that link oyu you provided ;P

From the looks of the quick google searches and documentation, there is no full Highgui implementation in Java, which means no imshow, NamedWindow, ResizeWindow, WaitKey or ShowImage.

Using Java, you should not need createMemStorage, Java handles that kind of stuff for you, that is for c (not even c++ needs it according to the docs!) version of the library.

The rest seem to mostly be in the org.opencv.imgproc namespace, which is explained in that link you provided ;P

Also you shouldn't need create mat, you should make a new instance of the Mat class. see org.opencv.core.Mat

From the looks of the quick google searches and documentation, there is no full Highgui implementation in Java, which means no imshow, NamedWindow, ResizeWindow, WaitKey or ShowImage.

Using Java, you should not need createMemStorage, Java handles that kind of stuff for you, that is for c (not even c++ needs it according to the docs!) version of the library.

The rest seem to mostly be in the org.opencv.imgproc namespace, which is explained in that link you provided ;P

Also you shouldn't need create mat, you should make a new instance of the Mat class. see org.opencv.core.Matorg.opencv.core.Mat

Also most of those constants are not exactly the same name, but they are found in the Java docs. org.opencv.core.Point replaces CvPoint2D32f. Take the time to really look in the docs. If you are using a different language you have to expect some differences, especially given Java's strict memory management system when compared to the lofty C binding you are comparing it to.