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2020-12-09 10:33:17 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2017-04-20 03:31:16 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2017-04-16 20:19:03 -0600 commented question License of Ffmpeg for android

Thank you for your answer, Steven. I got it, no need to worry about FFMPEG license.

2017-04-13 22:52:42 -0600 commented question License of Ffmpeg for android

Thank you very much for your answer, berek.

For some reason, my application is not allowed to contain FFmpeg, so i will re-build the OpenCV library "" to exclude FFmpeg property.

Normally, OpenCV could re-build using "make" command, but i don't know the option to exclude FFmpeg. Can you tell me that?

2017-04-13 04:21:31 -0600 commented question License of Ffmpeg for android

Thank you berak,

I confused about ffmpeg license under "opencv-3.2.0-android-sdk", is it LGPL or GPL?

Sorry but i can not found any license information of ffmpeg under "opencv-3.2.0-android-sdk" content.

2017-04-13 02:13:09 -0600 commented question License of Ffmpeg for android

Thank you for your answer. I think it's better to remove the ffmpeg part for safe. Since i'm new so i'm not sure which necessary step to completely remove the ffmpeg part, could you please guide me? (update the make file, remove source code folder,..)

Thank you very much.

2017-04-13 01:39:31 -0600 asked a question License of Ffmpeg for android


I download the "" file to develop an Android application for commercial. Btw, when i using tool to check the license of my application (include the "sdk" folder of "") then i got warning messages about ffmpeg tool is using. For example:

  • /sdk/java/javadoc/org/opencv/videoio/Videoio.html

  • /sdk/java/src/org/opencv/videoio/


I know that OpenCV include some ffmpeg source code for video processing. My questions are:

  1. Are we allowed to use this ffmpeg part for Android commercial application"?

  2. If no, how can i remove the part of ffmpeg under "sdk" folder (source code, java doc,..) ? (since my application does not use this function).

I appreciate your answer, thank you very much.