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2014-09-12 07:32:49 -0600 asked a question The "cv2.pyd" I builded myself can't be imported into Python

While the "cv2.pyd" found in Opencv root directory can be imported into Python successfully.

The "cv2.pyd" is 9+MB, on the contrary, the one I builded is just 1.07MB.

Is the way of building "cv2.pyd" wrong? Help me out.

2014-09-11 22:40:25 -0600 asked a question The "cv2.pyd" I build myself can't work. when I type "import cv2", returns failed info in Python IDLE

The "cv2.pyd" built by myself is only 1.07 MB(Release ver), in contrary, the "cv2.pyd" found in the "build" directory of opencv root is 9+MB.

How a big gap between them is.

However, How can I build the "cv2.pyd" that can be imported into Python?

2014-08-05 04:24:02 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2014-08-05 01:28:09 -0600 asked a question Is it possible to display a very high resolution video frame with almost no CPU usage or with very low time usage ?

I had tried many displaying methods in Windows, all of them takes so much CPU usage and time usage.

I'm wondering if GPU can't acquire image data from CPU automatically.

2014-08-05 01:16:26 -0600 commented answer How can I step into cv function with vs2008 or vs 2010 debugging?

Thanks, but this doesn't work, Well, eventually, I had solved my problem. 1.Use CMake to generate a new Opencv proj 2.All build it 3.Add the lib directory of what you just builded that maybe "\opencv\mybuild\lib\Debug"

2014-08-05 01:08:44 -0600 commented question How to run the demo of morphology in Opencv 2.4.8

It maybe caused by disabling CUDA support, I should configure the opencv proj using cmake then rebuild opencv proj

But I have not tried that,

2014-08-04 20:15:20 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2014-08-04 04:55:05 -0600 asked a question How to run the demo of morphology in Opencv 2.4.8

An error occurred when I run the morphology demo. image description

I'm sure about the availability of the input image file.

By the way, most demos can't be executed correctly.

I'm sorry, I don't know why I can't open the reply link, just clicked reply button with no response. However, maybe I knew why this happened,

It maybe caused by disabling CUDA support, I should configure the opencv proj using cmake then rebuild opencv proj

2014-07-03 07:03:51 -0600 asked a question How can I step into cv function with vs2008 or vs 2010 debugging?

I have build ALL-BUILD project , but still I can't step into any opencv function when I debug my program. How should I do ?