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2017-04-17 14:19:26 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2017-04-16 08:38:14 -0600 commented question .npy files

This place is here because of helping people for their problems, right? And I had problem about stereo vision calibration files. And I wanted to ask it someone already studied on it. I thought if someone wants to help about it, he/she can give advice to me. Am I wrong about it? Then I found the answer myself. And I wrote it. But you @StevenPuttemans and @berak acted weird about it. I wasn't know he and you are moderators. And I don't care it. If you want respect, you have to be respectful to people too. I don't want spend my time like that things. So have a nice day

2017-04-14 10:37:57 -0600 commented question .npy files

This is the solution that I was looking for: np.savez("B", ret=ret, mtx=mtx, dist=dist, rvecs=rvecs, tvecs=tvecs). If you know, It is so simple, right? I am new here and think @berak is owner of Opencv :) he acts like that. I am not here for listening his bla bla

2017-04-13 13:36:29 -0600 commented question .npy files

I am trying to do stereo camera calibration. What kind of information you want to see about it??? you can know or not. If you don't know, you can try keep quiet. And don't send regular official tutorial again. Because you are not the only one person reading it. Before ask question here. :/

2017-04-13 08:33:55 -0600 commented question .npy files

Dude I am trying to using it for distance estimation. And I already saw tutorial that you mentioned. But can you see any loading npy files in these example??-Noo, so if you cant help, pls dont text again

2017-04-12 16:28:51 -0600 commented question .npy files

I will try finding object distance with stereo camera. Actually i didn't see any code sample about it on python. So I am trying figure out myself. And I am stucked on using .npy files on project. Thank you

2017-04-12 12:01:58 -0600 asked a question .npy files

I am studying on stereo vision. I created calibration files .npy(like undistortion_map.npy etc). But I don't have knowledge about how can I implement it on my project. Do you have any advice for it?