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2015-04-08 22:11:50 -0600 received badge  Enlightened (source)
2015-04-08 22:11:50 -0600 received badge  Good Answer (source)
2013-06-02 10:44:46 -0600 received badge  Nice Answer (source)
2013-05-31 15:41:51 -0600 answered a question Problem of building OpenCV 2.4.5 with Cuda 5.5 RC

NVIDIA divide npp into 3 libraries. is general is for image processing is for signal processing

So, just a hack for now open your CMakeCache.txt and manually set it to your path. Like following //"npp" library CUDA_npp_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=/opt/cuda/lib64/;/opt/cuda/lib64/

I guess it'll be fixed in next version of cmake. Anyway we should workaround it in OpenCV.

2012-07-09 20:01:04 -0600 received badge  Nice Answer (source)
2012-07-09 14:03:00 -0600 received badge  Teacher (source)
2012-07-08 15:44:44 -0600 answered a question SegFault in OpenCV 2.4.2 and MinGW on WinXP

Thanks for bug reporting! =) this was an issue with undefined behavior during static variables initialization in the OpenCV. fixed in r8978