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2017-04-10 12:51:17 -0600 received badge  Scholar (source)
2017-04-08 01:46:34 -0600 commented answer how to calculate the inliers points from my rotation and translation matrix?

thanks for you, can you give me suggestion how to get get the 2d point from the 3d points?

2017-04-07 17:14:42 -0600 asked a question how to calculate the inliers points from my rotation and translation matrix?

how to calculate the inliers points from my rotation and translation matrix? if I have the points lists std::vector<point3d> opoints; std::vector<point2d> ipoints; and I have the rotation and translation matrix, How can I calculate the inliers points

I know that cv::solvePnPRansac will calculate the inliers, rotation and translation from the two points list, but I need to calculate the inliers from my rotation and translation?

Thanks for your support