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2014-06-23 07:53:47 -0600 commented answer Create Mask for work only on street

@Mathieu Barnachon How can I do this in code? thanks.

2014-06-22 16:16:04 -0600 commented answer Create Mask for work only on street

@Mathieu Barnachon how I create this Static Mask

2014-06-20 10:38:05 -0600 commented answer Create Mask for work only on street

Hello @Mathieu Bamachon, is Static camera, I was thinking of using cvblobslib to detect blobs, if you have any another idea share with me, Thanks and have a nice day!

2014-06-20 10:33:12 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2014-06-20 09:05:36 -0600 asked a question Create Mask for work only on street

Create Mask for work only on street (I will work differently in green and red sides) details: Camera is static. I didn't finded how I would create masks with different forms (because I would have to analyze streets with different trajectories) in opencv, I use C++. see the image: image description