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2014-10-13 05:51:31 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2014-06-18 16:22:06 -0600 answered a question Previous Lanes getting overlayed in lane detection output window.


Without seeing your code I can be certain. But it seems like you are drawing into a buffer image and this buffer image is not being updated at each iteration of the algorithm.

2014-06-18 16:17:39 -0600 asked a question groupRectangles_meanshift function in python


Currently I'm implementing my own Pedestrian Detector with HOG (but not SVM) and I'd like to do non-maximum suppression using cv2.groupRectangles_meanshift function. However I can't find it on the opencv python interface.

This function is available in C++ but is not on any documentation so I came here to know if it is available on python and I can't find it or if it is not available. And if it is not available I'd like to add it to the interface.